COTD 6/11/2015
Deck used: The Wild Unknown Tarot
This is an interesting pairing. 5 is a number of changes, the more fives you have, the bigger the changes are that are coming. 5 of Pentacles is a card of worry and fear about the material aspects of our lives, such as health, money, work, etc. 5 of wands speaks of quarreling, fighting, and conflict. Like I say, there are no bad cards in tarot, just cards that try and give you a heads up on how to change your thought process and actions to achieve the best outcome. So what are these cards telling us? Well, we are coming out of a double whammy Mercury Retrograde, so you may be feeling that heavy energy, don't let that drag you down. Remember that we can change our world with a single thought. Stay away from lower energy and useless quarrels with people, this being said, don't worry about material things. They are going to work themselves out and be okay. I promise.
Angel Blessings,