Angel Numbers!
Hey everyone! I don't know if you all knew this, but Angel Numbers are what helped me start my journey into the world of Spirituality. They provided untold amounts of support and validation when I was trying my hardest to make sense of this new world I had found. I can confidently say that, without angel numbers, I wouldn't be where I am today! So, please enjoy this beautiful graphic from! I am so grateful that they shared it with me, and I hope it helps you dive into the world of messages from Angels in numbers!
*Everything below here came from and is used with their permission*
"Pay attention! Angel numbers are a common way for angelic beings to send
So what are angel numbers?
Essentially, angel numbers are just numbers that keep showing up. Either
you keep seeing a certain number over and over again, or you just happen
to see a specific number or number sequence after asking for guidance and
calling for help from your angels.
Angels want to help you in your life. They want to guide you towards
greater joy, love and fulfillment.
And so the angels are bringing your attention to these numbers in hopes
that you notice them, and tune into the deeper meaning.
Seem like a roundabout way for the angels to communicate?
While angels can and will offer guidance directly, for most people this
direct guidance is filtered out by the ego mind.
So the main reason angels use numbers, signs and signals to communicate is
to bypass the ego.
Noticing numbers is simple, easy, and non-threatening for your mind.
The angels hope youll notice the number, and then look into what it means.
To help you with the second part, check out the visual guide to
interpreting angel numbers below.
With this you can easily decipher the guidance and messages your angels
are sending you through numbers.
-Melanie at
Angel Blessings!!