Deck Pressure
**DISCLAIMER: The decks listed in this post are amazing decks, I just didn’t resonate with them, so don't start a witchhunt**
Hi, my name is Andrew and I am a tarot-holic.
*In Unison* “Hi Andrew”
If you have been following me for a while, you know that I LOVE Tarot and Oracle Decks, and I have quite a few (80 last time I counted) of them. Something struck me tonight, that has actually struck me before but I figured people wouldn’t really want to read about it…so if you don’t…then #byefelicia.
What I want to talk about is Deck Pressure. This isn’t something where people literally force you to buy a deck. No, this is where you see a deck so often on social media that you just HAVE to have it, not because you resonate with it, but because you see the people you love and look up to have gotten it, and you want to have it as well. You may or may not connect with it, but you hope that connection comes.
This has become more and more apparent to me as I have been cleaning out my decks that I just don’t resonate with at all.
I think back on a particular deck that I bought, The Starchild Tarot. I didn’t connect to the imagery that much, at all. Not that it wasn’t beautiful, because oh my god it’s GORGEOUS, but I just didn’t connect with it at all…my intuition hit roadblocks every time I took the deck out. I got it because I saw that everyone else had it and I wanted it as well. So I spent $80 on a deck I hardly ever used and later sold.
I am kind of going through this right now with the “Animal Spirit Oracle”. I saw that people were raving about it and I decided to get it because I guess I wanted to be like the ‘cool kids’….and I honestly don’t resonate with it….at all. I don’t know why, but it doesn’t set my spirit on fire or give me goosebumps. The deck is stunning, a masterpiece even. Visually, there is little that can compare. But I didn’t connect to it and bought it anyway.
See what I mean here? I know I’m not the only one that this has happened to or happens to.
I am feeling a call to calm the fuck down on buying decks that I don’t resonate with immediately. I mean, so what if I don’t have a deck that someone else has? If I don’t connect with it, what damn good is it to have? It collects dust on my shelf and never gets used and I wasted my money.
Now, there is NOTHING wrong with having tons of decks. I am sure I am going to get to 100 before years end haha, hopefully, more will clear out, but who knows? Each deck is different in the way that it communicates with us and in the way our intuition interprets the imagery. That’s the beauty of Tarot and Oracle cards! But know that I have seldom had it happen that I bought I deck I didn’t connect with, and it grew on me to the point I LOVED it.
I know this post isn’t that interesting, but to those of you who are collectors, you don’t have to catch ‘em all. Buy what jives with YOU! If something catches your eye, look up reviews on it! Research it!
But don’t buy a deck because you feel like you have to because everyone else has it.
Tarot is such an individual journey, don’t let your ego trick you into thinking you have to “keep up with the jones’”. This can lead to debt, anxiety, and greed. We don't want that energy around us.
It doesn't matter if you have 1 deck or 100 decks, it has no impact on how talented you are as a reader and/or healer.
This also goes for your favorite deck creators! Don't feel pressured into buying a deck just because your favorite author/artist made it. I learned this is hard way, haha. You aren't obligated by any means to buy a deck even if you have every deck this person has made. There are some Alana Fairchild and Stacey Demarco decks that don't resonate with me for one reason or another. Does that mean I don't love their work? NOT AT ALL! I love their work, but there is no rule that says I have to resonate with the theme of the deck or whatever else may not jive with me about it.
The same goes for you!
I hope this helped!
Angel Blessings,