Connecting with Angels
Whether you are a seasoned pro at Angels like Doreen Virtue, or a complete and total novice having only heard of Angels in Church or not at all, we can all benefit from knowing how to connect with Angels in all of the many different ways that are available to us! That’s what this post is all about!
So, let’s lay some groundwork, Angels are basically messengers of God. They are extensions of Divine Energy, Light, and Love. So there is nothing to be afraid of in asking for their help. Don’t pay attention to the crazy people who claim that Angels belong to a certain belief system either, that is just B.S. Angels are nondenominational and you do NOT have to be a perfect little boy or girl for them to help you. So know that no matter who you are, or what you have done, they are ALWAYS willing to help you!
While there are literally zillions of ways to connect that are unique to each person, I am going to cover only a few.
Asking for Help
The first of these seems really easy (because it is) because it is simply ASKING! That’s right. Asking. By just asking for help, you open yourself for a multitude of heavenly hosts to sweep in and lift out of trouble. Of course, we have to know that an Angels isn’t going to come down in all of its heavenly glory and help you get out of a speeding ticket, that isn’t what they are for. Now, don’t get me wrong in saying that they WON’T help with that, they can, if you were maybe distracted or having a bad day, but not if you were intentionally speeding, as that could hurt someone else potentially. Angels aren’t that ‘Get out of Jail Free Card’ that is at your disposal day and night. They are beings that truly care for you, want to help you, and want to see you succeed and have a beautiful life!
This brings me to Free Will. The Angels can only help us if we ask, unless it is a case for Divine Intervention and they need to step in to save your life or something like that. If you are looking for a new job and are wondering why the Angels aren’t helping you, stop and ask yourself if you actually ASKED them for help. If you did, then don’t take the silence personally, they are just working for you bringing you what you desire in the right time table for Heaven. If you didn’t, then go ahead and get on that! It’s amazing that sometimes just asking for help seems like too much, like we don’t have time for it and then we wonder why things go to hell in a hand basket. Angels are standing around you at all times, Angels that are ASSIGNED to YOU and ONLY YOU, and they want to be put to work! Don’t ever think that you are asking too much of your Angels, they were made to help you!
This means that you ‘see’ the Angels clearly and that you ‘see’ the messages that they have for you. This happens in your mind’s eye, like a movie in your head. This can be a tad overwhelming for a lot of people when it first happens because you don’t know what to expect and you are worried that you are going to see something negative. i can assure you that, if you ask for protection, you won’t see anything scary. So, without getting way too deep for a ‘101’ post, You can just ask your Angels to help you be able to see them and then pay attention to what you ‘see’ when you look at other people or even when you ‘zone out’. You may start out seeing colors, and that is GREAT! This particular way to connect with your Angels is wonderful and is truly a gift! To cultivate this gift, meditate and ask your Angels to clear any residual (gross and sticky) energy from your Third Eye Chakra, located between your eyebrows. When this energy is out of whack you will notice that you have a hard time ‘seeing’ clearly. Like it’s not focused enough. For me, when I was scared of Clairvoyance, I saw lower and negative energies that were manifestations of my fear. I got rid of the fear, and haven’t seen them since! So don’t be afraid! Especially those of you who were brought up to believe that it is evil…let that belief go, breathe, and be happy! Happy ‘Seeing’!
This is when you have a very clear thought that is sent from Heaven and your Angels. This is another amazing way that the Angels will connect with you. If you are having a hard time with a project, or a job, person, or even a pet, you can ask the Angels for ideas and then be open to what you receive from them! This also works when we pray for guidance. Our prayers are often answered in the form of ideas and thoughts. So we have to make sure that we are always on our toes to receive those answers! These answers come from your Crown Chakra located at the top of your noggin. When this is balanced and in line, you are in constant communication with the Divine and you let it guide your words thoughts and actions in every way. When this particular chakra is out of whack, you are going have those negative, degrading, sad, and useless thoughts that aren’t self serving but rather are detrimental to your spirit. Like Clairvoyance, cultivating this gift can be done through meditation. Asking the Angels, once again, to remove residual energies from that Crown Chakra. There is so much to be said for Claircognizance and it’s ability to deepen your relationship with the Angels is truly profound. I feel that this gift is often glossed over when it is one of the most crucial ways of connecting with Angels, Guides, and the Divine itself!
I love this one. It is my primary sense when I connect with Angels, Departed loved ones, and other energies. This is when you hear clearly, the guidance from your Angels. This one actually took me aback when it happened the first time because I was so caught up in wanting to ‘see’ them that I didn’t much think about ‘hearing’ them! I have to say, it is amazing when you get messages this way. And all you have to do is ask your Angels to whisper to you what they want you to know. This is an particularly interesting gift because once you open yourself up to it, the Angels can be little chatter-boxes! They are always telling you what you need to do, giving you advice, and sometimes just saying ‘Hi!’. Be careful that you when you ask to connect with your Angels through Clairaudience that you are protecting your energy as well. Your Ego loves to trip you up when you begin to open yourself up to guidance from your Angels. They will never say anything negative, degrading, or hurtful to you or about you. If this happens then immediately ask that your energy, and the energy around you, be cleared.
This is the last of the “Clairs” . This is all about FEELING! When I conduct Mediumship readings and a Spirit is proud of the Client, they make me feel proud and happy! This a beautiful gift because it can literally give you hope and peace. If you are stressed out, just ask your Angels for feelings of peace and happiness. They WILL come through for you! Pay attention to everything you feel (if you are a Cancer, this is easy haha) once you ask for guidance and just let it flow through you! It’s just that simple!
Tarot/Oracle Cards
One more way to connect with Angels is the one I use every single day. Tarot and Oracle Cards, Angel oriented or not, are a wonderful way to get guidance! The greatest this about this method is that it can ‘trigger’ any one, or ALL, of the gifts mentioned above! Every single person on earth has the gifts that I have talked about, it just takes practicing them! Tarot and Oracle cards have such an amazing source of inspiration for myself and millions of people. The Angels can use these as well if you let them! Sit quietly, get rid of distractions, breathe and center yourself, ask your Angels a question, shuffle the deck until you feel the need to stop, and draw a card! It is that simple! If you are interested in this method but don’t have any decks of your own, I HIGHLY suggest the Archangel Power Tarot Cards and The Archangel Oracle Cards, both by Doreen Virtue. They are AMAZING at helping you connect with your Angels!
I truly hope this post has helped you and enlightened you! If you would like an Angelreading with me, you can click here! I would to help you connect to your Angels and empower you to do the same!
Be blessed you beautiful soul!