Angels Andrew Barker Angels Andrew Barker

Archangel Quiz!


Archangels are among the most powerful. They oversee all other Angels, including our Guardian Angels! They are loving, supportive, and always wanting to speak to us! This quiz will help you identify which Archangel is trying to get your attention!

Question 1: What color are you most draw to?

A) Blue

B) Green

C) Orange

D) Pink

Question 2: Which area of your life is stressing you out the most?

A) Safety

B) Health

C) Being able to follow your passions

D) Money/Finances/Career

Question 3: If you had one wish, what would it be?

A) You and your loved ones protected from harm 

B) Perfect Health

C) The courage to follow your dreams and passions

D) Never having to worrying about having enough resources

Question 4: Which of these describes your feelings about money?

A) My personal, spiritual, and psychic protection is more important.

B) Taking care of my health is more important than stressing about money

C) I use my money mostly to pursue my dreams and passions. 

D) Money is a top priority to me, I have to have financial stability to feel safe.

Question 5: How do you feel about your passions and interests?

A) I love feeling peaceful and safe in following my passions and interests

B) If I am not feeling my best, I can't give my attention to my passions and hobbies

C) I follow my passions and dreams to the fullest extent and enjoy doing so!

D) I primarily use my money to fund my passions, interests, and hobbies.

Question 6: Safety (psychic, physical, and spiritual) ________?

A) is the most important 

B) is important, but not more important than my health.

C) is important so that I can fully follow my heart in pursuing my passions.

D)  is feeling financially secure at all times.

Question 7: When you think about your health, which of these apply more?

A) Feeling safe everywhere I go, and protecting my energy, is part of my health routine.

B) My health is the most important thing to me. Spiritual, Physical, Mental, I am always on my game.

C) I want to be healthy so that I can continue following my dreams and passions to the fullest!

D) Financial health is the most important, but I focus on my physical health as well.

Alright! Time to tally up and check your results!

Mostly A's -Archangel Michael

Image from the Archangel Power Tarot by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine

Image from the Archangel Power Tarot by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine

This powerful Angel is coming to you to remind you that you are safe and protected always. Archangel Michael always appears with his battle armor and sword, ready to cut away any negativity from our lives. If you answered mostly A's, take a moment to ask Archangel Michael to release you from any fears or negativity so that you can live your life purpose fully and peacefully.

Mostly B's- Archangel Raphael

Image from the Archangel Power Tarot by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine

Image from the Archangel Power Tarot by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine

Archangel Raphael is the Angel of health and healing. If you have been struggling with health or healing, call upon Raphael to help you in anyway that he can! This can mean healing you himself, or sending you down the right path to someone who can. Raphael also assists healers and those who want to help others. Another aspect of Archangel Raphael is bring a soul mate to you! So if you got mostly B's, Archangel Raphael is knocking on the door, let him in and don't be afraid to ask for his help or guidance.

Mostly C's- Archangel Gabriel

Image from the Archangel Power Tarot by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine

Image from the Archangel Power Tarot by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine

If you got mostly C's then Archangel Gabriel is the one calling out to you. Gabriel is Angel is of clear messages and communication. She helps writers, teachers, parents, and those who are trying to follow their passions. If you have been following your passions, but things just don't seem to work out, call upon Gabriel to help you see where things could change. She can open up a clear line of communication between you and your higher self to help you reach your full potential!

Mostly D's- Archangel Ariel

Image from the Archangel Power Tarot by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine

Image from the Archangel Power Tarot by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine

Mostly D's says that you have money on the brain! Archangel Ariel is the angel of finances, manifestation, and careers. There are other things about her that we will focus on in later quizzes, but this is her big thing. Ariel is considered to be the Archangel closest to earth, that's why she reigns over the monetary aspects of our lives. If you have been experiencing hardships with money or your career, ask Ariel to help you keep your mindset positive so that you can manifest financial security or a better career, if that is what you want. Never think that asking for money is bad! It is PERFECTLY fine! 

I hope that you enjoyed this Quiz! This is the first thing I have done like this. If you would like to learn even more about the angels, including how to see them, hear them, talk to them, and develop a relationship with them, including the ones above, I invite you to check out my “Angels & You” Program by clicking the link. It is a place where you, and others, can talk about the Angels, learn about them, and experience their power! So check it out, and see you there!

Angel Blessings!


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