Archangel Companion Quiz
Archangels are among the most powerful. They oversee all other Angels, including our Guardian Angels! They are loving, supportive, and always wanting to speak to us! This quiz will help you identify which Archangel is trying to get your attention!
Question 1: What color are you most draw to?
A) Blue
B) Green
C) Orange
D) Pink
Question 2: Which area of your life is stressing you out the most?
A) Safety
B) Health
C) Being able to follow your passions
D) Money/Finances/Career
Question 3: If you had one wish, what would it be?
A) You and your loved ones protected from harm
B) Perfect Health
C) The courage to follow your dreams and passions
D) Never having to worrying about having enough resources
Question 4: Which of these describes your feelings about money?
A) My personal, spiritual, and psychic protection is more important.
B) Taking care of my health is more important than stressing about money
C) I use my money mostly to pursue my dreams and passions.
D) Money is a top priority to me, I have to have financial stability to feel safe.
Question 5: How do you feel about your passions and interests?
A) I love feeling peaceful and safe in following my passions and interests
B) If I am not feeling my best, I can't give my attention to my passions and hobbies
C) I follow my passions and dreams to the fullest extent and enjoy doing so!
D) I primarily use my money to fund my passions, interests, and hobbies.
Question 6: Safety (psychic, physical, and spiritual) ________?
A) is the most important
B) is important, but not more important than my health.
C) is important so that I can fully follow my heart in pursuing my passions.
D) is feeling financially secure at all times.
Question 7: When you think about your health, which of these apply more?
A) Feeling safe everywhere I go, and protecting my energy, is part of my health routine.
B) My health is the most important thing to me. Spiritual, Physical, Mental, I am always on my game.
C) I want to be healthy so that I can continue following my dreams and passions to the fullest!
D) Financial health is the most important, but I focus on my physical health as well.
Alright! Time to tally up and check your results!
Mostly A's -Archangel Michael
Archangel Michael from the “Keepers Of The Light” Oracle cards by Kyle Gray with art by Lily Moses
This powerful Angel is coming to you to remind you that you are safe and protected always. Archangel Michael always appears with his battle armor and sword, ready to cut away any negativity from our lives. If you answered mostly A's, take a moment to ask Archangel Michael to release you from any fears or negativity so that you can live your life purpose fully and peacefully.
Mostly B's- Archangel Raphael
Archangel Raphael from the “Angel Prayers Oracle” by Kyle Gray
Archangel Raphael is the Angel of health and healing. If you have been struggling with health or healing, call upon Raphael to help you in anyway that he can! This can mean healing you himself, or sending you down the right path to someone who can. Raphael also assists healers and those who want to help others. Another aspect of Archangel Raphael is bring a soul mate to you! So if you got mostly B's, Archangel Raphael is knocking on the door, let him in and don't be afraid to ask for his help or guidance.
Mostly C's- Archangel Gabriel
Archangel Gabriel from the “Angel Prayers Oracle” by Kyle Gray
If you got mostly C's then Archangel Gabriel is the one calling out to you. Gabriel is Angel is of clear messages and communication. She helps writers, teachers, parents, and those who are trying to follow their passions. If you have been following your passions, but things just don't seem to work out, call upon Gabriel to help you see where things could change. She can open up a clear line of communication between you and your higher self to help you reach your full potential!
Mostly D's- Archangel Ariel
Mostly D's says that you have money on the brain! Archangel Ariel is the angel of finances, manifestation, and careers. There are other things about her that we will focus on in later quizzes, but this is her big thing. Ariel is considered to be the Archangel closest to earth, that's why she reigns over the monetary aspects of our lives. If you have been experiencing hardships with money or your career, ask Ariel to help you keep your mindset positive so that you can manifest financial security or a better career, if that is what you want. Never think that asking for money is bad! It is PERFECTLY fine!
I hope that you enjoyed this Quiz! This is the first thing I have done like this. If you would like to learn even more about the angels, including how to see them, hear them, talk to them, and develop a relationship with them, including the ones above, I invite you to check out my “Angels & You” Program by clicking the link. It is a place where you, and others, can talk about the Angels, learn about them, and experience their power! So check it out, and see you there!
Angel Blessings!
If you only knew...
If you have ever felt alone, this is for you. You are here for a reason, and you have beings that are with you to make sure you feel supported!
Hello Lovely People!,
I wanted to post an updated version of this blog post from a while back!
One way that I have grown is knowing, and really comprehending the fact, that I am never, EVER alone. Of course, I knew this before in my head but sometimes be heart doubted it, but a quote from A Course In Miracles really put this in perspective for me:
To me, it became crystal clear when I was really worrying about something going on in my life. I had become almost frantic. I was consumed with thoughts about how “I” could change my situation, or how “I” could fix it. Then, I decided to watch Gabby Bernstein. Now, it’s no secret that I have parted ways with Gabby and her community. However, her teachings have really elevated me and helped me to be able to choose love over fear, however I am human and we all can sink back into that fear state at any given moment. So I turned on Gabby and heard her say a quote from the text A Course In Miracles: “If you knew Who walks beside you on this path which you have chosen, fear would be impossible.” . I remember thinking, ‘damn, this is good!’. So, in that moment, I decided that I would do my best to give up the constant fear that I was experiencing. That’s when things started to change.
I began to open up my heart and life even more to those beings of Love and Light that were just waiting for me to give the “okay”. Something important that you should know is that you can have every Angel on Earth and in Heaven on your side, but if you don’t let them help you then they can’t. Every being has to respect your freewill choices, so make the choice to let them in and let’s get to it!
I FIRMLY believe we have a wonderful team of Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters (Gods and Goddesses, and other Enlightened Beings), Dragons, and more that are with us every single day. In fact, I know it to be so. The purpose of this post is to give you a bit of guidance into how these beings can help you in your every day life! Let’s get started!
Dragons are fourth (and higher) dimensional beings that are tasked with clearing away and consuming a lot of the denser energies, whereas Angels do not necessarily do that. They help us raise our vibration to rise above those energies. However, sometimes we need to help of Dragons when that denser and lower energy is all around us. Dragons are the way makers, the clearers, and the transmutat-ers, that help us keep our energy clear and high vibrational. Dragons are elementals, like Unicorns and Fairies, and therefore have a very grounding impact on you even though they fly high in the sky! There are hundreds of different types of Dragons but the main 4 that will be working with are Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. Now, most of the time your personal Dragon will correspond with the Element of your Zodiac Sign, so Cancer will have a Water Dragon, Leo will have a Fire Dragon, and so on. Dragons also have a real ability to get stagnant energy moving again and help you to get ‘unstuck’, if you are feeling that way. Now, I want to give you specialties of the 4 Dragons I mentioned earlier.
Fire Dragons: Burning away lower energies and protecting you from them
Earth Dragons: Keeping you grounded, prosperity, and growth
Water Dragons: Emotional Well-being and Psychic Abilities
Air Dragons: Soaring above earthly matters and seeing from a different perspective.
*Prayer to Connect with Your Dragon* Dear (Kind of Dragon), I ask that you come and fly around me, protect me, and clear the way for new energy to come to me. I ask for your assistance in (name the issue) and thank you for responding to me. So It is.
Now, I had never really heard about Dragon energy until I had signed up for an Online Course with the AMAZING Diana Cooper called, “Meet Your Dragons”. Now, this idea intrigued me but I wasn’t completely sold. But, I was doing the course, watching the videos and doing the meditations, and I began to really sense there was something more to it! So, I decided to meet my Dragon (and earth Dragon named Rory) and began cultivating that relationship by asking for his help, along with Air, Water, Fire, and Violet Flame, Dragons. I began to notice how much more protected I felt, and how I could honestly sense a change in my demeanor when I asked for their help.
Find out what Dragon is with you!
Then, something even more amazing happened: The Dragon Oracle Cards by Diana Cooper were released and my relationship with the Dragons drastically changed for the better. Not only was I able to find new Dragons, but the guidance from them was phenomenal! I highly recommend them, you can snag them here
Now, if you know me then you know I adore Angels. I love them to the moon and back and work with them daily. Angels are messengers of God (Universe, Source, whatever) and are tasked with helping us throughout our lives. This particular section is going to focus on Archangels more than Angels, as they are the overseers of the Angels. Each of us has at least 2 Guardian Angels, plus regular Angels, that surround us at all times. However, Archangels have specific specialties that we are going to touch on. Since there are 15 main Archangels, I am going to go over 4 Main ones for times sake:
Gabriel: Messengers, help in parenting, communication
Michael; Protection, Life Purpose, Clearing Energy
Ariel: Manifesting, Animal well-being, Nature
Uriel: Epiphanies, Inspiration, and Manifesting
*Prayer to Connect with Archangels* Dear Loving Universe/God/Whoever and Archangel (Name), I am asking you to come and stand beside me, guide me, and help me with (name the issue). I ask that you send me signs of your presence, love, and support. So it is.
I’ve been working with Angels for years now, and the impact on my life has been amazing. Sometimes, we feel a disconnect from a Higher Power and that keeps us from asking for help. Angels have a lower vibration that God, so they are more easily reached to be able to help us in times of need, meeting us halfway to listen to our needs. I ask for the help of my Angels ever single day and they never fail me! They won’t fail you either!
Cultivate a deeper connection with your Angels in the “Angels & You” Program!
What Archangel is watching over you? Find Out!
Ascended Masters are Gods, Goddesses, and Enlightened Individuals that help us, in conjunction with The Universe and the Angels and Dragons, to be the best that we can be and to step into our true power and potential. Now, my view of Gods and Goddesses is this: The Divine is pure light. That’s all it is, Light and Love. That light shines through a Diamond that has many different faces and what we perceive to be separate deities are actually all coming from the same light, we just see different faces of that Diamond. I also feel that it helps us to be able to connect easier with the Ascended Master’s because the idea of a deity is easier to comprehend sometimes that speaking directly to “Light”. So when I ask Ganesha for help, I am truly asking a personification of the The Divine to help me. Now, that being said, I believe that each personification requires the utmost respect and devotion, because they are still to be revered. Like the previous sections, I am going to outline 4 Ascended Masters that I love to work with:
Ganesha: Hindu God of Prosperity and Lifter of Obstacles
Kuan Yin: Buddhist Goddess of Divine Compassion and Love
Isis: Egyptian Goddess of Magic, Personal Power, and Manifestation
Mother Mary: Mother of Jesus, Master of Divine Love and Peace, Forgiveness, and Motherhood.
*Invocation of Ascended Master* I humbly ask that (Name) comes into my presence now. I humbly open my life and heart to your love and assistance. Help me to know and feel that you are with me and please show me the most high vibrational way in dealing with (issue). I thank you for your assistance and So It Is.
I have had wondrous success working with these beings, and I know that you will too!
I truly hope that these beings offer you the love, happiness, and support that you need in your life right now.
If you would like to know which Ascended Master to work with, you can find out here!
The purpose of this post is for you to know that you are never alone on your path. Don’t be afraid and Don’t Lose Hope. You have a whole team of beings dedicated to helping you succeed and to loving you!
If you want to find out more about which beings are around you and assisting you in your life, you can book your Spiritual Team Reading Here! This reading is one that I am the most proud of because of how it has helped people rise up into their power!
The REAL A-Z List Doreen Virtue doesn’t want you to see!….
Dear Friends,
My heart has been bothered by some negativity and I feel the need to express what’s been placed on my heart….I will be as eloquent as possible:
Doreen Virtue is being a dick.
My Youtube Video about the situation is HERE
For real.
Her A-Z List of New Age Practices is rooted in fear and stupidity and I am going to give you all the REAL list of things to avoid. So buckle up, bitches.
A- Assholes who tell you to believe what they believe or you are going to burn forever in Hell. False. People who do this are very insecure in their belief system and are looking for others to join them so that they feel validated. There is also a sense of superiority among these people because they feel like they are “in on a secret”…they are not.
B- Bullies. The one thing that REALLY pissed me off was that Doreen made a facebook group for people to join called “New Agers converting to Christianity” or some bullshit like that. Just because you liked Doreen in the past DOES NOT MEAN YOU HAVE TO CHANGE YOUR BELIEF SYSTEM BECAUSE SHE DID! People that use their influence to guilt others and bully them into changing their belief systems are assholes, and we already established we avoid those.
C- Christians. Now, not all of them. I know some Christians who use oracle cards, chant kundalini mantras, and love goddess, and they are AMAZING! What I mean here is don’t go out of your way to have a conversation with a christian about your beliefs, because you will inevitably be talked to about how you should join the dark side because they have the “blood of Jesus” (ie Grapejuice, which was very anticlimactic for me).
D- Doreen Virtue. Enough said. That crazy train derailed and blew up with no survivors.
E- Energy draining bullshit. A lot of us have the ability to let this just be like water off a duck’s back. We can make fun of it, and say it’s bullshit. However, if it’s hard for you to watch or listen to, walk away from it. Everyone handles things in different ways and it’s okay to keep your distance.
F- Fear and Fuckery. Your path is yours and it works for YOU. Don’t let one person strike fear in you. You aren’t possessed, or oppressed, by demons. If you love Unicorns, and throw Oracle Cards, then do it and do it well. Be YOU. Don’t listen to the bullshit, OR THE BULLIES.
G- God. The Christian one. You know, the one who gets petty and sends people to hell for stupid shit. That one. Yeah, we don’t like that.
G- Giving ANY Fucks. At all. About anything.
H- Hell. Should be easy because it doesn’t exist.
I- Idiots who think they are right. If your biggest source of information comes from a piece of channeled writing that GIVES ITSELF the qualifications of being “the word of God”, then you are basically reading a book by Donald Trump, because he is the only one who still thinks he’s qualified to do anything.
J- Jesus. But not the cool Jesus. I love Jesus, he is amazing to work with. This is the Jesus who, once again, will send you to Hell (ie Narnia) if you don’t accept a ‘gift’ of salvation (ie becoming a fucking asshole) you didn’t ask for.
K- “Kingdom Comer’s”. You know, the people who say Jesus is coming back every Blood Moon…or Thursday. Jesus is not trying to come to this ratchet planet in the flesh, so disregard that rumor.
L- "Lightworkers” who do nothing to help anyone. Oof, bet you didn’t see this one coming. If you say you are a Lightworker, do the work and don’t be a fucking asshat who uses the word to inflate their fragile ego.
M- Mansplainers, with (White) Christian men leading the pack. Who better to tell you what to do better than a man who reads the Bible? Who better to tell you what to do with your vagina than someone who doesn’t have one? I know right, groundbreaking shit.
M- Money. Specifically, religions that guilt you into giving money you don’t have to please a God who apparently owns the Universe. Fuck that shit.
N- Not checking facts or resources. Come on, if you are going to give us a whole fucking dissertation about how bad things are, use more than the Bible and a stupid fucking website you copy and pasted from.
O- Overzealous Christians. “Yes, Pamela, I see that you have a cross tattoo on your wrist, have “Live, Laugh, Love” in your living room, and constantly use #blessed on your pictures of Chick-Fil-A. Give it a fucking rest, we don’t care.”
P- Proselytism- No one wants your beliefs. If they did, they would ask you about it. Don’t let people try to convert you, say “fuck you” and continue riding the unicorn or whatever you like to ride. No judgements.
Q- I don’t fucking know. Quesadilla’s that aren’t from MOE’S Southwest Grill or a Food Truck…you’re welcome.
Q- Quoting the Bible for EVERYTHING:
“How is your sister, Tom?”
“In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth”...it’s random and pretentious and no one gives a fuck.
R- Reading Comments on Doreen’s posts. You will lose brain cells. Once again, you’re welcome.
S- Selling your soul to the Neon and Pastel colored Devil. If you are going to do it, the Glitter Devil gives you more bang for your buck, and French Fries!
T- Teachers who use their influence to guilt you into believing what they believe. This is cult mentality and very dangerous. Nothing good can, or will, come from this so PLEASE be careful and realize YOU are the best teacher you could ever have.
U- Understanding where the other person is coming from. This is bullshit. If someone is preaching and spouting toxic bullshit, don’t try to understand their wounded fucking childhood. Get away from them and rub some smoky quartz (or throw it at them, I don’t care).
V- Victim mentality. If you feel attacked, step back and look at it. Find the lesson in it, and move on. Don’t stay in that mindset because you are better than that.
W- Wet Socks. Literally the worst. Thing. Ever.
X- Xenophobes. Fucking Asshats. Donald Trump. It’s all the same.
Y- Yellow food, unless it’s skittles or M&M’s. Bananas suck and smell HORRIBLE.
Z- Zephaniah. Don’t name your fucking kid this. Or your pet. It’s stupid.
Now, some of this list was 100% Satire. But some of it is also really real.
Doreen Virtue helped a lot of people, myself included, become comfortable with our gifts and confident enough to share them with the world.
I honor her for that purpose, and it’s not ever her I’m honoring, it’s the fact that, for a period of time, she allowed herself to be a vessel to help others. I would not be where I am today without her and Radleigh Valentine, who I fucking love beyond words.
If this is hard for you, I get it. She was like a spiritual mother to me and I took it HARD. But it will be okay! She is doing her own crazy train thing and that doesn’t mean you have to. Don’t follow her on any social media, and unsubscribe from her email list. That’s what I had to do, and it’s okay!
Your peace of mind is important. Protect that.
Also, fuck that goddamn copy and paste hack job of a fucking list she made.
If you need me, I’ll be on my glittery unicorn, reading harry potter, and practicing my affirmations while being VERY mindful of all the bullshit this stirred up, but if you would like a reading, I got you!
PS: I wanted to share a really great article on Tarot (uh oh, a baaaaaaaaad thing lol) and the Major Arcana! It’s by A Little Spark of Joy and it’s DIVINE!! You can read it here: https://www.alittlesparkofjoy.com/tarot/major-arcana/
Love and Light,
Mercury Retrograde Survival Guide
Hello Starlights!,
Book Your Mercury Retrograde Reading Here
The time has come. Mercury Retrograde is on our doorstep. Cue the mass hysteria, crying, fear, and being afraid to leave the house. This has always been a time that strikes a cord of fear among people who don’t understand what this time is all about (and sometimes even in those who do understand it).
Think of this as a time to really just slow down and relax. I have always had a really interesting relationship with Mercury Retrograde (I’ll refer to it as MX). I have decided to let you guys in on my secrets to surviving it or at least making the best out of it. Ha!
I never sign major documents during MX. This is something that is known but I wanted to share this in case you haven’t heard it before. The reason for this is because MX can cause slight communication errors and signing major things like a lease or a car loan may seem fine, but you will probably realize you could have received a better offer later or find that you misread or misunderstood a term of the document. So play it safe here. That being said, this is a great time to REEVALUATE your current lease or loan or whatever. I had a decent experience renewing my lease during Mercury Retrograde last year, but I took my time and asked my Angels to bless the process. So if it MUST be done, please bring your Angels into the mix and make sure you listen to the guidance that you get from them.
I always try to slow down my thought process (which is a bitch because ADD has me going a million miles a minute) and make sure I speak and talk only AFTER I have thought about what I am saying. Misunderstanding a running amuck during this time, so make sure you are really working with your throat chakra (Vishuddha) and keeping it balanced. You can do this by carrying LAPIS LAZULI in your pocket, or just by visualizing white light cleansing your throat chakra. It’s honestly as easy as just having the intention of clearing it and it’s cleared. This chakra center is where your communication in all forms come from, so making sure it’s balanced is necessary in aiding in meaningful and clear communication.
BE PATIENT WITH TECHNOLOGY! MX can fuck up everything when it comes to electronics so make sure you give yourself extra time. As I’m writing this, my iPhone is acting stupid. So make sure you back up your phone if you have a smart device, back up your tablets, computers, everything. Better to be safe that sorry if Mercury decides to pay you a visit.
Crystals. Crystals. Crystals. Smoky Quartz is my BEST FRIEND during MX because it is a work-horse crystal. This crystal absorbs negative energy from situations and even from your own aura! This is something I love during MX and carry A LOT of. If you don’t have Smoky Quartz, you can still work with the energy of it by just looking at a picture of it and asking the energy of the crystal to be with you! You will still notice the same effects, I promise! I carry a variety of crystals along with me and it’s really up to what you carry and what the intention you have while carrying the crystals are. We talked about Lapis Lazuli earlier, so that’s always helpful to carry! *Quick Note: Crystals themselves don’t do anything. The purpose of carrying a crystal or crystals is for them to amplify the intention that you have set :)
Space/Energy Clearing. This. Is. So. Important. When your energy in your home is cleared, and your personal energy is cleared, the energy flows easier around you and it can actually help other people who don’t even know that their energy needs clearing. You can do this with sage, paolo Santo wood, with your angels, or just with your intention. Just know that this is one of the most important things you can do during this crazy time.
Oracle Cards. I carry a physical Oracle Deck with me wherever I go during MX. Why? Because if I want or need encouragement, I have a tool that I can draw from that will give me that. Last MX, I used the Keepers of The Light Oracle Cards by Kyle Gray and will probably use those again!
Pray/Meditate. Just ask for help. Stay aligned with your truth and keep yourself in tune with the Universe/Source/Guides and know that they have your back!
Self Care. Take a bubble bath. Have a glass of wine. Read a book. Play with your pet. Don’t do anything that doesn’t make you light up. Take a walk in nature if you can. Self Care is a big key in navigating MX. When you take care of yourself, you open up more to intuitive guidance and that is crucial to MX.
Set Your Intention. Your thoughts create your reality. That is a fact. If you go into this scared and worried, your experience will bring situations that scare and worry you. MX is a higher powered time of self-fulfilling prophecies. So make sure you go into this with this intention to learn and grow.
All in All, Mercury Retrograde isn’t some cosmic conspiracy to fuck your whole life up for a month. Consider it a gift from the Universe, giving you the tools and time that you need to really take care for yourself and reevaluate what you need to fix and let go of. If you want to check in with a reading to find out what this MX Theme is for you, you can do so by visiting the ‘Readings’ portion of this site in the top right, or you can just click here
May the odds be ever in your favor,
Archangel Quiz!
Archangels are among the most powerful. They oversee all other Angels, including our Guardian Angels! They are loving, supportive, and always wanting to speak to us! This quiz will help you identify which Archangel is trying to get your attention!
Question 1: What color are you most draw to?
A) Blue
B) Green
C) Orange
D) Pink
Question 2: Which area of your life is stressing you out the most?
A) Safety
B) Health
C) Being able to follow your passions
D) Money/Finances/Career
Question 3: If you had one wish, what would it be?
A) You and your loved ones protected from harm
B) Perfect Health
C) The courage to follow your dreams and passions
D) Never having to worrying about having enough resources
Question 4: Which of these describes your feelings about money?
A) My personal, spiritual, and psychic protection is more important.
B) Taking care of my health is more important than stressing about money
C) I use my money mostly to pursue my dreams and passions.
D) Money is a top priority to me, I have to have financial stability to feel safe.
Question 5: How do you feel about your passions and interests?
A) I love feeling peaceful and safe in following my passions and interests
B) If I am not feeling my best, I can't give my attention to my passions and hobbies
C) I follow my passions and dreams to the fullest extent and enjoy doing so!
D) I primarily use my money to fund my passions, interests, and hobbies.
Question 6: Safety (psychic, physical, and spiritual) ________?
A) is the most important
B) is important, but not more important than my health.
C) is important so that I can fully follow my heart in pursuing my passions.
D) is feeling financially secure at all times.
Question 7: When you think about your health, which of these apply more?
A) Feeling safe everywhere I go, and protecting my energy, is part of my health routine.
B) My health is the most important thing to me. Spiritual, Physical, Mental, I am always on my game.
C) I want to be healthy so that I can continue following my dreams and passions to the fullest!
D) Financial health is the most important, but I focus on my physical health as well.