The REAL A-Z List Doreen Virtue doesn’t want you to see!….
Dear Friends,
My heart has been bothered by some negativity and I feel the need to express what’s been placed on my heart….I will be as eloquent as possible:
Doreen Virtue is being a dick.
My Youtube Video about the situation is HERE
For real.
Her A-Z List of New Age Practices is rooted in fear and stupidity and I am going to give you all the REAL list of things to avoid. So buckle up, bitches.
A- Assholes who tell you to believe what they believe or you are going to burn forever in Hell. False. People who do this are very insecure in their belief system and are looking for others to join them so that they feel validated. There is also a sense of superiority among these people because they feel like they are “in on a secret”…they are not.
B- Bullies. The one thing that REALLY pissed me off was that Doreen made a facebook group for people to join called “New Agers converting to Christianity” or some bullshit like that. Just because you liked Doreen in the past DOES NOT MEAN YOU HAVE TO CHANGE YOUR BELIEF SYSTEM BECAUSE SHE DID! People that use their influence to guilt others and bully them into changing their belief systems are assholes, and we already established we avoid those.
C- Christians. Now, not all of them. I know some Christians who use oracle cards, chant kundalini mantras, and love goddess, and they are AMAZING! What I mean here is don’t go out of your way to have a conversation with a christian about your beliefs, because you will inevitably be talked to about how you should join the dark side because they have the “blood of Jesus” (ie Grapejuice, which was very anticlimactic for me).
D- Doreen Virtue. Enough said. That crazy train derailed and blew up with no survivors.
E- Energy draining bullshit. A lot of us have the ability to let this just be like water off a duck’s back. We can make fun of it, and say it’s bullshit. However, if it’s hard for you to watch or listen to, walk away from it. Everyone handles things in different ways and it’s okay to keep your distance.
F- Fear and Fuckery. Your path is yours and it works for YOU. Don’t let one person strike fear in you. You aren’t possessed, or oppressed, by demons. If you love Unicorns, and throw Oracle Cards, then do it and do it well. Be YOU. Don’t listen to the bullshit, OR THE BULLIES.
G- God. The Christian one. You know, the one who gets petty and sends people to hell for stupid shit. That one. Yeah, we don’t like that.
G- Giving ANY Fucks. At all. About anything.
H- Hell. Should be easy because it doesn’t exist.
I- Idiots who think they are right. If your biggest source of information comes from a piece of channeled writing that GIVES ITSELF the qualifications of being “the word of God”, then you are basically reading a book by Donald Trump, because he is the only one who still thinks he’s qualified to do anything.
J- Jesus. But not the cool Jesus. I love Jesus, he is amazing to work with. This is the Jesus who, once again, will send you to Hell (ie Narnia) if you don’t accept a ‘gift’ of salvation (ie becoming a fucking asshole) you didn’t ask for.
K- “Kingdom Comer’s”. You know, the people who say Jesus is coming back every Blood Moon…or Thursday. Jesus is not trying to come to this ratchet planet in the flesh, so disregard that rumor.
L- "Lightworkers” who do nothing to help anyone. Oof, bet you didn’t see this one coming. If you say you are a Lightworker, do the work and don’t be a fucking asshat who uses the word to inflate their fragile ego.
M- Mansplainers, with (White) Christian men leading the pack. Who better to tell you what to do better than a man who reads the Bible? Who better to tell you what to do with your vagina than someone who doesn’t have one? I know right, groundbreaking shit.
M- Money. Specifically, religions that guilt you into giving money you don’t have to please a God who apparently owns the Universe. Fuck that shit.
N- Not checking facts or resources. Come on, if you are going to give us a whole fucking dissertation about how bad things are, use more than the Bible and a stupid fucking website you copy and pasted from.
O- Overzealous Christians. “Yes, Pamela, I see that you have a cross tattoo on your wrist, have “Live, Laugh, Love” in your living room, and constantly use #blessed on your pictures of Chick-Fil-A. Give it a fucking rest, we don’t care.”
P- Proselytism- No one wants your beliefs. If they did, they would ask you about it. Don’t let people try to convert you, say “fuck you” and continue riding the unicorn or whatever you like to ride. No judgements.
Q- I don’t fucking know. Quesadilla’s that aren’t from MOE’S Southwest Grill or a Food Truck…you’re welcome.
Q- Quoting the Bible for EVERYTHING:
“How is your sister, Tom?”
“In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth”...it’s random and pretentious and no one gives a fuck.
R- Reading Comments on Doreen’s posts. You will lose brain cells. Once again, you’re welcome.
S- Selling your soul to the Neon and Pastel colored Devil. If you are going to do it, the Glitter Devil gives you more bang for your buck, and French Fries!
T- Teachers who use their influence to guilt you into believing what they believe. This is cult mentality and very dangerous. Nothing good can, or will, come from this so PLEASE be careful and realize YOU are the best teacher you could ever have.
U- Understanding where the other person is coming from. This is bullshit. If someone is preaching and spouting toxic bullshit, don’t try to understand their wounded fucking childhood. Get away from them and rub some smoky quartz (or throw it at them, I don’t care).
V- Victim mentality. If you feel attacked, step back and look at it. Find the lesson in it, and move on. Don’t stay in that mindset because you are better than that.
W- Wet Socks. Literally the worst. Thing. Ever.
X- Xenophobes. Fucking Asshats. Donald Trump. It’s all the same.
Y- Yellow food, unless it’s skittles or M&M’s. Bananas suck and smell HORRIBLE.
Z- Zephaniah. Don’t name your fucking kid this. Or your pet. It’s stupid.
Now, some of this list was 100% Satire. But some of it is also really real.
Doreen Virtue helped a lot of people, myself included, become comfortable with our gifts and confident enough to share them with the world.
I honor her for that purpose, and it’s not ever her I’m honoring, it’s the fact that, for a period of time, she allowed herself to be a vessel to help others. I would not be where I am today without her and Radleigh Valentine, who I fucking love beyond words.
If this is hard for you, I get it. She was like a spiritual mother to me and I took it HARD. But it will be okay! She is doing her own crazy train thing and that doesn’t mean you have to. Don’t follow her on any social media, and unsubscribe from her email list. That’s what I had to do, and it’s okay!
Your peace of mind is important. Protect that.
Also, fuck that goddamn copy and paste hack job of a fucking list she made.
If you need me, I’ll be on my glittery unicorn, reading harry potter, and practicing my affirmations while being VERY mindful of all the bullshit this stirred up, but if you would like a reading, I got you!
PS: I wanted to share a really great article on Tarot (uh oh, a baaaaaaaaad thing lol) and the Major Arcana! It’s by A Little Spark of Joy and it’s DIVINE!! You can read it here: https://www.alittlesparkofjoy.com/tarot/major-arcana/
Love and Light,
Demons, The Devil, and Your Personal Power
Hello, Warriors of Light!,
That sounds really good, doesn’t it? It is really empowering and yet forceful at the same time. It lets people know that you are not to be fucked with, but that you will be peaceful if you are. It is a title that gives the lower energies the heebie-jeebies because they know you are acting fully in your power as a being of Divine light and Divine love.
But what are these lower energies?
I know that we all like to stay ‘in the light’ as much as possible, and this post isn’t to scare you or take you from that light that you hold dear, but some things need to be talked about because we will encounter these things and when we do it is important to know how to deal with them!
I am going to be sharing some crazy stories of things that I have encountered and how I dealt with them to empower you to be in your light if these things happen to you.
This post will have 2 parts: Part 1 is about lower energy and the names that it has. Part 2 is the Spiritual Training Tools to move into your power fully and techniques to make sure you and your home are cleared.
*keep in mind that these are my personal opinions and you don’t have to like everything I say, just be respectful*
Part 1
This is a topic that makes many of us (myself included) uneasy but I felt the need to bring this up. When we bring hidden and scary stuff to the surface it no longer has power over us so that is what we are here to do. Lower energy has a few names, The Devil, Demons, Earthbound Spirits, Donald Trump….they are all names for lower energy. But let's really look at these things in more detail. The idea for this post came from a coworker and I really having a deep discussion about our Spiritual Paths one night, she is Christian and I…am not. She is absolutely amazing and was really receptive to what I had to say, but this made me think about how many people who follow a different path get asked the questions about Devil worship, demons, and all that shit. So if that is you, this post is here to serve you.
The start with the easy one:
The Devil: I don’t believe in one supreme ruler of evil in the world. I believe the Devil was made up to scare people into doing good and to be scapegoat for when people fucked up. Humans have an ego that is tied to negative emotion and to lower vibrational thoughts and actions. I also feel that there is a significant reason why the Devil card in Tarot represents ego and addiction. The devil is often thought of as a being who cares only about his carnal pleasure and has no regard for others, so this is where we begin so see people blaming the Devil for their adultery, murder, etc. instead of owning up to it for themselves.We are responsible for what we do, and that is my thoughts on that.
Demons: So here is my first crazy story. When was living with my first roommate in her house, I would always get really uneasy at night walking up the stairs, as I ‘saw’ this little winged creature with red eyes follow me up the stairs It actually got to the point that I would run up the stairs and close my door scared to death. At first, I chalked it up to watching one too many scary movies, then something happened. I was reading a book by Doreen Virtue and she described demons as personifications of mans fear. She described to a ’T’ what I saw, down to the red eyes and wings. I was floored. At this point in my life, I was vehemently against anything related to the church and I still had this fear of going to hell and that my new path was wrong. This fear was so intense that it actually manifested into the form of what I saw to be a demon. This was so empowering to me, because if I create something, I can destroy it. Next, what about energies who were once people…
Earthbound Spirits: Being a medium, I have seen quite a few spirits, however they were all perfectly at peace. What about the ones that aren’t at peace though? These are called Earthbound Spirits and are people who have passed on and haven’t gone to the light. This could be because they died traumatically, or because they didn’t get to say good-bye. From encounters I have heard about, they are relatively harmless but can be scary and hard to deal with.
Donald Trump: Impeach him….haha
Now you may come across people who have a ton of negative energy around them, maybe not legions of demons, but they make you uneasy. These people could be very pessimistic, grumpy, unhappy, people or they could be carrying around emotional baggage from traumas in their lives or lives or loved ones. When you come into contact with these people, be wary of your energy being zapped because, without even meaning to, they will start to draw from your positive energy. This could make them feel better, and leave you in an energetic funk. In part 2 we will talk about how to keep that from happening :)
So that was part 1 where we see how our fears can manifest. Now let’s talk about your Spiritual Tool Belt for dealing with these energies.
Tool 1: This is the best tool of all, Archangel Michael! Archangel Michael is the angel that you see with rippling muscles, a sword of light, and a halo of rich purple. This angel is a warrior in his own right and that is his purpose. He protects us from, shields us from, and eliminates all lower and negative energy. If you even feel scared or worried, ask Michael to come help you and he 100% will! He can be everywhere at once so you never bother him by calling on him. My second story I wanted to tell you is that when I was bed one night, I felt this presence watching me, it was unsettling and really dense and scary. I was actually frightened and didn’t want to get out of my bed, but my Archangel Michael spray was literally right past where I felt the presence. So, after turning every light I could on, I dashed for my spray and did a space clearing in the middle of the night with Archangel Michael, and after that, everything was fine.
Tool 2: White Light. This takes 3 seconds and all you do is visualize white light from heaven all around you, covering you. Inside your body, and all around you. This keeps negative energy from coming around you.
Tool 3: Mirror Ball. I learned this from James Van Praagh. Picture a ball of light around you with mirrors facing out, like a disco ball. The darkness will see their reflection and run away!
Tool 4: Sage and Space Clearing. Clearing your home and personal space is really important in making sure everything stays the way it needs to and you don’t gain any unwanted visitors. I use colored candles for each element and sage spray personally and I love it!
Tool 5: Intention. Set your intention to channel the light in all that you do. In all you say, think, do, and feel. This gives you little wiggle room to fall into negative energy. Now, when you do, just say “I choose again” and you will be on the right path again.
Tool 6: Knowledge. Know who you are. You are a bad-ass, warrior of divine love and light, you are literally stardust, you are part of the very force that created you. Self doubt and self sabotage are really negative and when they are left unchecked they can really bring your energy down. Knowing who you are, and constantly reminding yourself of it, is a sure-fire way to grow in your power and confidence!
Once again, this was just a brief post about empowering you, and encouraging you to live in your power! You are literally so powerful that your thoughts can manifest, make sure they are what you want!
Until next time,