If you only knew...
If you have ever felt alone, this is for you. You are here for a reason, and you have beings that are with you to make sure you feel supported!
Hello Lovely People!,
I wanted to post an updated version of this blog post from a while back!
One way that I have grown is knowing, and really comprehending the fact, that I am never, EVER alone. Of course, I knew this before in my head but sometimes be heart doubted it, but a quote from A Course In Miracles really put this in perspective for me:
To me, it became crystal clear when I was really worrying about something going on in my life. I had become almost frantic. I was consumed with thoughts about how “I” could change my situation, or how “I” could fix it. Then, I decided to watch Gabby Bernstein. Now, it’s no secret that I have parted ways with Gabby and her community. However, her teachings have really elevated me and helped me to be able to choose love over fear, however I am human and we all can sink back into that fear state at any given moment. So I turned on Gabby and heard her say a quote from the text A Course In Miracles: “If you knew Who walks beside you on this path which you have chosen, fear would be impossible.” . I remember thinking, ‘damn, this is good!’. So, in that moment, I decided that I would do my best to give up the constant fear that I was experiencing. That’s when things started to change.
I began to open up my heart and life even more to those beings of Love and Light that were just waiting for me to give the “okay”. Something important that you should know is that you can have every Angel on Earth and in Heaven on your side, but if you don’t let them help you then they can’t. Every being has to respect your freewill choices, so make the choice to let them in and let’s get to it!
I FIRMLY believe we have a wonderful team of Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters (Gods and Goddesses, and other Enlightened Beings), Dragons, and more that are with us every single day. In fact, I know it to be so. The purpose of this post is to give you a bit of guidance into how these beings can help you in your every day life! Let’s get started!
Dragons are fourth (and higher) dimensional beings that are tasked with clearing away and consuming a lot of the denser energies, whereas Angels do not necessarily do that. They help us raise our vibration to rise above those energies. However, sometimes we need to help of Dragons when that denser and lower energy is all around us. Dragons are the way makers, the clearers, and the transmutat-ers, that help us keep our energy clear and high vibrational. Dragons are elementals, like Unicorns and Fairies, and therefore have a very grounding impact on you even though they fly high in the sky! There are hundreds of different types of Dragons but the main 4 that will be working with are Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. Now, most of the time your personal Dragon will correspond with the Element of your Zodiac Sign, so Cancer will have a Water Dragon, Leo will have a Fire Dragon, and so on. Dragons also have a real ability to get stagnant energy moving again and help you to get ‘unstuck’, if you are feeling that way. Now, I want to give you specialties of the 4 Dragons I mentioned earlier.
Fire Dragons: Burning away lower energies and protecting you from them
Earth Dragons: Keeping you grounded, prosperity, and growth
Water Dragons: Emotional Well-being and Psychic Abilities
Air Dragons: Soaring above earthly matters and seeing from a different perspective.
*Prayer to Connect with Your Dragon* Dear (Kind of Dragon), I ask that you come and fly around me, protect me, and clear the way for new energy to come to me. I ask for your assistance in (name the issue) and thank you for responding to me. So It is.
Now, I had never really heard about Dragon energy until I had signed up for an Online Course with the AMAZING Diana Cooper called, “Meet Your Dragons”. Now, this idea intrigued me but I wasn’t completely sold. But, I was doing the course, watching the videos and doing the meditations, and I began to really sense there was something more to it! So, I decided to meet my Dragon (and earth Dragon named Rory) and began cultivating that relationship by asking for his help, along with Air, Water, Fire, and Violet Flame, Dragons. I began to notice how much more protected I felt, and how I could honestly sense a change in my demeanor when I asked for their help.
Find out what Dragon is with you!
Then, something even more amazing happened: The Dragon Oracle Cards by Diana Cooper were released and my relationship with the Dragons drastically changed for the better. Not only was I able to find new Dragons, but the guidance from them was phenomenal! I highly recommend them, you can snag them here
Now, if you know me then you know I adore Angels. I love them to the moon and back and work with them daily. Angels are messengers of God (Universe, Source, whatever) and are tasked with helping us throughout our lives. This particular section is going to focus on Archangels more than Angels, as they are the overseers of the Angels. Each of us has at least 2 Guardian Angels, plus regular Angels, that surround us at all times. However, Archangels have specific specialties that we are going to touch on. Since there are 15 main Archangels, I am going to go over 4 Main ones for times sake:
Gabriel: Messengers, help in parenting, communication
Michael; Protection, Life Purpose, Clearing Energy
Ariel: Manifesting, Animal well-being, Nature
Uriel: Epiphanies, Inspiration, and Manifesting
*Prayer to Connect with Archangels* Dear Loving Universe/God/Whoever and Archangel (Name), I am asking you to come and stand beside me, guide me, and help me with (name the issue). I ask that you send me signs of your presence, love, and support. So it is.
I’ve been working with Angels for years now, and the impact on my life has been amazing. Sometimes, we feel a disconnect from a Higher Power and that keeps us from asking for help. Angels have a lower vibration that God, so they are more easily reached to be able to help us in times of need, meeting us halfway to listen to our needs. I ask for the help of my Angels ever single day and they never fail me! They won’t fail you either!
Cultivate a deeper connection with your Angels in the “Angels & You” Program!
What Archangel is watching over you? Find Out!
Ascended Masters are Gods, Goddesses, and Enlightened Individuals that help us, in conjunction with The Universe and the Angels and Dragons, to be the best that we can be and to step into our true power and potential. Now, my view of Gods and Goddesses is this: The Divine is pure light. That’s all it is, Light and Love. That light shines through a Diamond that has many different faces and what we perceive to be separate deities are actually all coming from the same light, we just see different faces of that Diamond. I also feel that it helps us to be able to connect easier with the Ascended Master’s because the idea of a deity is easier to comprehend sometimes that speaking directly to “Light”. So when I ask Ganesha for help, I am truly asking a personification of the The Divine to help me. Now, that being said, I believe that each personification requires the utmost respect and devotion, because they are still to be revered. Like the previous sections, I am going to outline 4 Ascended Masters that I love to work with:
Ganesha: Hindu God of Prosperity and Lifter of Obstacles
Kuan Yin: Buddhist Goddess of Divine Compassion and Love
Isis: Egyptian Goddess of Magic, Personal Power, and Manifestation
Mother Mary: Mother of Jesus, Master of Divine Love and Peace, Forgiveness, and Motherhood.
*Invocation of Ascended Master* I humbly ask that (Name) comes into my presence now. I humbly open my life and heart to your love and assistance. Help me to know and feel that you are with me and please show me the most high vibrational way in dealing with (issue). I thank you for your assistance and So It Is.
I have had wondrous success working with these beings, and I know that you will too!
I truly hope that these beings offer you the love, happiness, and support that you need in your life right now.
If you would like to know which Ascended Master to work with, you can find out here!
The purpose of this post is for you to know that you are never alone on your path. Don’t be afraid and Don’t Lose Hope. You have a whole team of beings dedicated to helping you succeed and to loving you!
If you want to find out more about which beings are around you and assisting you in your life, you can book your Spiritual Team Reading Here! This reading is one that I am the most proud of because of how it has helped people rise up into their power!
Step Up, Stay Grounded, and Get to Work!
Hey guys. It’s no secret that in the recent months tragedy after tragedy has occurred, leaving us feeling scared, vulnerable, and uneasy. Some of us feel these things more than others, and that is okay. Some of us try to block it out and ignore it, and that isn’t okay. As lightworkers, we are going to be confronted with negative situations and we have to know how to handle them, or we won’t be very effective in our healing work.
Our job description is to help the world and be able to spread light and love to heal all that is wrong. We can’t do this by blocking out negativity. Think of a wave of water coming at you, if you anchor yourself into the sand, you have a better chance of staying on your feet when you are anchored.
That is what grounding does for us! By grounding, we remain unmovable in our beliefs and in the light that we are here to spread.
So how can you remain grounded? I’m glad you asked.
- Unplug from the media and technology. It is so easy to get engrossed in your computer, phone, tablet, tv, and whatever else you have. While these things aren’t bad at all (I work at Verizon so they literally help me pay bills) but they are tools that can bring us down and keep us in a cycle of fear energy that we don’t need.
- Take a walk in nature. So this may seem obvious but it can really help to connect with nature and just relax. However, if it is too hot to go outside, then listen to nature music, spend time with your pet, get a plant, something to bring nature to you.
- Ask for help! Know that your Angels are ALWAYS around you and WANT to help you! Sometimes we get lost in all of the hurt and confusion of the world and we wonder where our help is. The answer is all around us. I am so guilty of this. I sit back and wonder, why is this happening? And then I realize that I have a small part in helping this, just like you do. We can ask our Angels to help us get, and stay, grounded and they WILL reply.
- Meditate. This is a hard one for a lot of people, myself included, to do consistently because life does get in the way and we lose our priorities along the way. This isn’t a beat up, but we all do it. Meditation is wonderful for connecting us to Source/God/The Universe and our Angels to receive messages that can help the world grow and help us grow stronger.
- This is one of my favorites to do. You can actually do this as you are sitting down at work, home, or school. Visualize roots coming out of your feet and stretching into the Earth. Take deep breaths in and out and do this for as long as you can, need, or want to.
- I asked the Angels for a message and they said this: “Be Present”. This is remarkable because how often to we worry or think about the future? Way too often. We are hardly ever just present in the moment and we aren’t THANKFUL and GRATEFUL in that space. It’s cliche but true when they say “The Present is a gift”. This is SUPER important to remember because when we take it moment by moment and stop worrying about things that are out of our control, that helps us remain grounded and centered in our bodies and spirits.
- Sending Light to the world. When you do see those horrible news stories, send light to that location and to the people involved. Then CUT YOUR CORDS TO IT! Don’t let it remain a part of your energy field and aura.
- Carrying on from the previous, cut your cords to any place and any person that causes you unrest and don’t be sorry about it. We as lightworkers and sensitive people often feel like we have to be the ‘listening ear’ to ever damn thing in the world and that IS NOT true! If you feel like you are being drained energetically, just walk away. It isn’t rude to put your energetic and spiritual needs FIRST! In fact, you NEED to. You’ve got this! Ask Archangels Michael and Metatron to help you with this, and then ACT on what you think, feel, hear, and see as guidance comes to you.
I really hope that this has helped you. My prayers are with all of us and the world. You’ve got this!
Angel Blessings,