We start off with the 'Ace of Swords'! So we are going to have breakthroughs in ideas or thought patterns. This is going to involve cutting away things keep you from thinking clearly and making decisions from the logic part of your brain and spirit. For those of you that are Water signs and Fire Signs, you instinctively go with your emotion (Waters signs) and your Passions (Fire Sign). Earth and Air signs are more practical so I don't see having TOO hard of a time with these types of logical decisions. This is going to be a big change for some people, but welcome it! I am drawn to what Wayne Dyer said "When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change"....don't be afraid to look at things differently just because you have seen them a certain way for a long time!
This is going to lead to a MAJOR role change as we see the 'King of Wands' standing tall and firm in his passions and beliefs. This week carries an energy of the realization of the power and authority that YOU have as an extension of the very energy that created you! You are powerful, so stop living as though your circumstances are outside of your control. We bring everything to us through what we think and say, so change what you think and say. Change how you see situations and watch them change before your eyes!
This week is going to be INTENSE, so at the end of the week, we are called to meditate and rest. Get to know yourself on an even deeper level and unlock that knowledge that comes from truly knowing who you are!