Patience is a Virtue...but still sucks
Patience is a Virtue…
But let’s get real. Waiting sucks. Waiting for what you really desire is really hard. It is a cruel trick from the universe that we can’t have what we want, when we want it. But you have to think about it like this: What would you do if you never had to wait for anything? You and I would probably become a bit of an ass….just being real.
The inspiration behind this post is the ‘7 of Pentacles’. I have grown pretty attached to this card, and I still have to say that I still suck at waiting and being patient. It’s a human thing, and I am working on it….stop judging me haha.
For real though, this card is not just about patience and planting the seeds that will grow, this is about having the right type of attitude while you wait.
I heard a preacher I used to L-O-V-E say this, and I still wholeheartedly agree: “Patience isn’t waiting, it’s how you act while you wait”.
So, what are you waiting on? A job? A relationship? Money? Remember that how you act while you wait for it determines how fast you will get it! Thoughts, words, actions, and feelings have tremendous power to deter our goals or speed them toward us.
We just passed the New Moon, so we are in a time of crazy manifestation! So you have to be sure that you are high vibe-ing, and getting your spiritual stuff together! Whatever you are putting your focus and attention on is what you are bringing to you, that is a cold, hard, fact.
How do you raise your vibration?
- Being Grateful
- Meditation
- Praying
- Laughing
- Listening to happy music
- Complimenting people
- Shielding yourself in the light of your favorite color to protect your energy
- Journaling
- Talking to your Angels
- Playing with your pets
- Spending time with friends
The list goes on and on….but basically says this : DO WHAT YOU LOVE!! That is the quickest way to a High Vibration!
If you are thinking about negative things, then your life is pretty much going to suck….just being honest…
However, if you are bring positive, then your life is going to reflect that positive and the Law of Attraction will bring what you are putting out into the Universe!
So, dear buddy, pal, and friend of mine,
Manifest that positivity into your life and don’t get impatient if you don’t see a change within 5 seconds! It’s coming!! I promise!!
Angel Blessings!
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