Spiritual Gifts Spread!!

This spread is one that I made while in the Tarot Foundations 2 course at Biddy Tarot. I love this Spread so much! It was so insightful for me, and I know it will be for you as well. I posted this on my Page, but I wanted to put it in a Blog so you guys will be able to find it easier, and I am going to explain a bit more about it as well.

    So this Spread is set up with 2 columns of 4 Cards, read from left to right, as you can see by the Numbers on each card. 

    This can be used with Tarot or Oracle cards (even BOTH!) 

Lets say you have 2 not-so-happy cards across from each other. What would that mean here?

    Let’s say it’s the 9 of swords and and the 3 of Swords in the position of Clairvoyance. 

    This could mean a couple things but most likely suggests that there may be a degree of fear or worry regarding what you will see and that that fear is crippling you from achieving the purpose that you desire.

    So, don’t fret when you see the challenging cards! They are there to help you! :)

    Tag this spread on Instagram with #tarotangelgiftspread and show me what you came up with! 

Angel Blessings,



Worry? Or Rise?


The Devil!