Goal Setting with The Emperor and the Angels
Welcome to 2020!
I know we have been here for over a week now, but I haven’t had the time to actually sit down and write this thing!
You can glean from the title that we are going to be talking about Archangels Michael and Uriel, The Emperor, and what it means for us.
To find out what Archangels are with you, book a Spiritual Team Reading (Click the Text to be taken to check out)!
Archangel Michael from The Angel Tarot and Archangel Uriel from the Archangel Power Tarot
2019 was a 12 Year, which associates us with the Hanged Man in the major arcana. So, if 2019 felt a little off kilter or like you were treading water, that is why. The hanged man doesn’t move. He gracefully swings by his feet while offering you a chance to reconnect with your true perspective. Likewise, if you felt turned upside down and shaken like a mother fucker, that’s his energy as well. However, you moved on, you’re here. Now let’s get down to business (to defeat the huns) with the Emperor and Archangels Michael and Uriel.
2020 (2+0+2+0=4) brings us the gift of things being set right. The Emperor doesn’t fuck around, nor do they entertain bullshit. Much the archangels associated with the cards in the Angel Tarot and Archangel Power Tarot, Michael and Uriel, the Emperor gives us the chance to clear away the nasty shit that we have been carrying with us and brings us the gifts of structure, logic, willpower, determination, and ambition.
Associated with the sign of Aries, the headstrong, independent, and steadfast goat of the Zodiac, The Emperor comes to help us sweep up all the dirt, and tie up loose ends. Much like the sign of Aries brings us Spring, the Emperor brings us the opportunity to do some spring cleaning. This includes your mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional spaces. Don’t carry things that aren’t yours to carry any more. Ask yourself “Is it logical to carry these burdens?”, “How does carrying these burden negatively impact me and those around me?”.
How does this work with Angels? I am so glad you asked. Michael and Uriel (I’m going to call them the Sparkly Strong Arm of Heaven) can add that Angelic boost act you are looking for to help you achieve your goals and leave behind the things that are longer serving you, while helping you remain accountable for the the situations that you perpetuated, and they do it in a loving way.
Archangel Michael is the bouncer of heaven, no negativity gets though him.
Archangel Uriel is the Light of God, nothing escapes him. He can make sure you hit your mark!
These two angels can bring you into powerful alignment with the Emperor energy of 2020 by aiding you to only work on what is going to further your path. If something is a dead end, leave it alone and walk away. If you are setting goals this year, ask Uriel to shine is light on them and ask Michael to protect not only your goals, but your personal energy field as you move through this year.
Working with the Sparkly Strong Arm of Heaven (SSAOH) is a guaranteed way to align with the Emperor energy and to see your goals come to fruition. Oh, you want an exercise to help you? I’m glad you asked!
What you will need:
2 Pieces of Paper (or a notes app)
Tea Light Candle (if you want)
An Emperor Card (Picture or Physical Card)
1: Write down your goals on one piece of paper
2: Place the Emperor card on top of your goals (or simply draw the Aries Glyph and the number 4 on it if you don’t have access to a card)
3: Visualize Gold Glittery Light and Bright Purple light covering your goals. These are the colors for SSAOH.
4: If you feel comfortable say the following prayer: “ Archangels Michael and Uriel (or Sparkly Strong Arm of Heaven), Please bring attention to my goals. Help them come to fruition in my mind and in my energy field so that I can see them in the physical world. Please protect my goal from any lower vibrations and negative energy and show me the next actionable steps to achieve these goals in the way that Emperor would. Thank you for helping me to remain focused, steadfast, determined, and dedicated to my goals and for helping me see them through. So it is”
4: After you either say the prayer, or sit with the Gold and Purple Light for a while, take out your second piece of paper and immediately begin to write action steps that feel good to you. Let your pen be guided by the Archangels.
5: Once you are finished, keep your goals and actions steps in a place where you can see them and know that the Angels have your back!
Here’s to a wonderful 2020 with the Sparkly Strong Arm of Heaven!
To find out what Archangels are with you, book a Spiritual Team Reading (Click the Text to be taken to check out)!