Mercury Retrograde Survival Guide
Hello Starlights!,
Book Your Mercury Retrograde Reading Here
The time has come. Mercury Retrograde is on our doorstep. Cue the mass hysteria, crying, fear, and being afraid to leave the house. This has always been a time that strikes a cord of fear among people who don’t understand what this time is all about (and sometimes even in those who do understand it).
Think of this as a time to really just slow down and relax. I have always had a really interesting relationship with Mercury Retrograde (I’ll refer to it as MX). I have decided to let you guys in on my secrets to surviving it or at least making the best out of it. Ha!
I never sign major documents during MX. This is something that is known but I wanted to share this in case you haven’t heard it before. The reason for this is because MX can cause slight communication errors and signing major things like a lease or a car loan may seem fine, but you will probably realize you could have received a better offer later or find that you misread or misunderstood a term of the document. So play it safe here. That being said, this is a great time to REEVALUATE your current lease or loan or whatever. I had a decent experience renewing my lease during Mercury Retrograde last year, but I took my time and asked my Angels to bless the process. So if it MUST be done, please bring your Angels into the mix and make sure you listen to the guidance that you get from them.
I always try to slow down my thought process (which is a bitch because ADD has me going a million miles a minute) and make sure I speak and talk only AFTER I have thought about what I am saying. Misunderstanding a running amuck during this time, so make sure you are really working with your throat chakra (Vishuddha) and keeping it balanced. You can do this by carrying LAPIS LAZULI in your pocket, or just by visualizing white light cleansing your throat chakra. It’s honestly as easy as just having the intention of clearing it and it’s cleared. This chakra center is where your communication in all forms come from, so making sure it’s balanced is necessary in aiding in meaningful and clear communication.
BE PATIENT WITH TECHNOLOGY! MX can fuck up everything when it comes to electronics so make sure you give yourself extra time. As I’m writing this, my iPhone is acting stupid. So make sure you back up your phone if you have a smart device, back up your tablets, computers, everything. Better to be safe that sorry if Mercury decides to pay you a visit.
Crystals. Crystals. Crystals. Smoky Quartz is my BEST FRIEND during MX because it is a work-horse crystal. This crystal absorbs negative energy from situations and even from your own aura! This is something I love during MX and carry A LOT of. If you don’t have Smoky Quartz, you can still work with the energy of it by just looking at a picture of it and asking the energy of the crystal to be with you! You will still notice the same effects, I promise! I carry a variety of crystals along with me and it’s really up to what you carry and what the intention you have while carrying the crystals are. We talked about Lapis Lazuli earlier, so that’s always helpful to carry! *Quick Note: Crystals themselves don’t do anything. The purpose of carrying a crystal or crystals is for them to amplify the intention that you have set :)
Space/Energy Clearing. This. Is. So. Important. When your energy in your home is cleared, and your personal energy is cleared, the energy flows easier around you and it can actually help other people who don’t even know that their energy needs clearing. You can do this with sage, paolo Santo wood, with your angels, or just with your intention. Just know that this is one of the most important things you can do during this crazy time.
Oracle Cards. I carry a physical Oracle Deck with me wherever I go during MX. Why? Because if I want or need encouragement, I have a tool that I can draw from that will give me that. Last MX, I used the Keepers of The Light Oracle Cards by Kyle Gray and will probably use those again!
Pray/Meditate. Just ask for help. Stay aligned with your truth and keep yourself in tune with the Universe/Source/Guides and know that they have your back!
Self Care. Take a bubble bath. Have a glass of wine. Read a book. Play with your pet. Don’t do anything that doesn’t make you light up. Take a walk in nature if you can. Self Care is a big key in navigating MX. When you take care of yourself, you open up more to intuitive guidance and that is crucial to MX.
Set Your Intention. Your thoughts create your reality. That is a fact. If you go into this scared and worried, your experience will bring situations that scare and worry you. MX is a higher powered time of self-fulfilling prophecies. So make sure you go into this with this intention to learn and grow.
All in All, Mercury Retrograde isn’t some cosmic conspiracy to fuck your whole life up for a month. Consider it a gift from the Universe, giving you the tools and time that you need to really take care for yourself and reevaluate what you need to fix and let go of. If you want to check in with a reading to find out what this MX Theme is for you, you can do so by visiting the ‘Readings’ portion of this site in the top right, or you can just click here
May the odds be ever in your favor,
COTD 9/24/2015
The "King of Earth" pops up for us today! I love the energy of the Kings. Ths particular King comes with sign of abundance and prosperity. For me, the new iPhone launches tomorrow so it's quite relevant to me. This card is about success. You are entering into a time where success is yours if you take those steps into opportunities offered to you. Don't look at the 'what could go wrong', and look what is already going right! Literally everything you do right now will be successful. This being said, we are Mercury Retrograde so don't start really new ventures, businesses, or make big purchases. Instead, until this MR is over on the 9th of October, focus on cultivating yourself to be ready to take those leaps. Opportunities can still be offered to you, just tell them you need a few days to think it over. I actually did that once and realized, after taking a step back, that it wasn't an option I needed to pursue. Either way, success is yours!!!!
Angel Blessings,
COTD 6/22/2015
Mercury Retrograde brings with it a time to reflect on yourself and your life. The Lovers reversed is about hard choices that need to be made. Be sure that you are seeing other people for who they really are and not who want or need them to be. You can want someone to be 'the one' and try and try knowing that that's not what is meant to be. Self Sacrifice is coming up for you this week. This could be sacrificing something you want to do for someone else or for more spiritual practices. It could be as simple as stepping away from the computer to meditate. Keep your loved ones close and let them know how much they mean to you. Miscommunications run rampant during MR.
Angel Blessings,
COTD 5/24/2015
Hi All,
So I don't know what it is about this Mercury Retrograde (MR for short), but I am inexplicably drawn to the Tarot of Vampyres and the Les Vampires Oracle. I want to say it's because these decks have such a shadow energy to them and during MR, we are supposed to confront our shadow side and deal with it so that we can move forward with our lives. So I know that some of these cards may have confronting images and that some of you may now be drawn to the imagery, but bare with me. Spirit is giving these messages for a reason. So look beyond the art into the heart of the card. We have 'Seduction' today. This is actually the first time ever that I haven't actually drawn a card. This was my personal card for the day and Spirit told me to use it, so here it is. This card has multiple meanings. The first is not to be swayed by material things, the Vampire here can represent these material things, seducing you and begging for you attention. The bloody handprints on the wall are an Omen of what will come if you succumb to materialism. Your spirit will suffer and wither away. Material Comfort is important, don't get me wrong, but one huge lesson I learned recently is that we are Spiritual beings having a Physical Experience. We are NOT Physical beings trying to have Spiritual Experience. Wait, what? Yes. When we put too much focus on the material and physical, we lose sight of the Spiritual and the funny thing is, the Spirit in us, creates the physical world around us! We have lost sight of this amazing fact. The Second meaning of this card is a quite literal one. If you are in a relationship, don't look to others no matter how tempting or alluring they are. Seduction is a POWERFUL thing. The person who may be tempting you has no horse in the race that is your relationship. They will leave you bloodied and beaten, but hey, they got what they wanted. I know this is a strange message to have, but I know it is needed for someone out there. I love you guys so much! My weekly reading is below, and I used this deck for it! So check it out and subscribe to my channel if you haven't already!
Angel Blessings!
COTD 5/23/2015
Todays card falls in, yet again, with the theme of mercury retrograde which is personal discovery and renewal. The seven of knives tells us that it is time to put your problem-solving skills to work! Use your better judgment paired with wit and, at times, cunning to work through certain problems. Are you being taking advantage of? Use your intuition to discern who loves you for you, and who just wants something from you. The card of today is telling you to turn into word on your individuality. Take time away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. However, while taking time for yourself is a must, avoid extensive separation from others and incorporate others into your life while still maintaining healthy boundaries.
Angel Blessings
COTD 5/22/2015
We have the Justice card, reversed of course. This card in reverse talks about not being able to move on from your past and punishing yourself for past actions. Be on the look out for self righteousness, or actions and/or words that could be taken as self righteousness and/or hypocrisy. If anything can be taken out of context, it will be during this wonderful time known as Mercury Retrograde. Now, Mercury Retrograde isn't bad like we think. It honestly is a time for reflection and renewal. It is time to accept your faults and move forward. Let it Go.... This card is also talking about overanalyzing being very common right now. Take some time out for yourself today and make the most of the Mercury Retrograde and you will be able to change your life!!
Angel Blessings,