Daily Draw, Tarot, Tarot Cards Andrew Barker Daily Draw, Tarot, Tarot Cards Andrew Barker

The Devil!

The Devil.

-I apologize for some of the language in advance-

This is not going to be a post full of flowery goodness, heads up! haha

Throughout time, The Devil has invoked fear, anger and been the blame behind pretty much every wrongdoing ever.

A little bit about ‘The Devil’: 

Christians believe that the Devil was once an Angel, an Archangel actually, named Lucifer. He rebelled against God and now is wandering the early looking for people to deceive and take to Hell on Judgement day. 

I most definitely, with respect however, call ‘bullshit’ on that whooolllle idea. All of it. Every last bit of it. I don’t believe that The Devil really even exists. Humans are capable of enough evil without some mythical guy running around causing panic and chaos. I have no tolerance or patience for it. 

Let me assure you: There is no Devil. Everything is fine. Go about your business.

Alright, enough of that. The reason I talked about that is because The Devil Card in Tarot gets such a bad wrap. People get scared of it. They don’t know how to accurately tune into the power and wisdom that this card has to offer.

The Devil in Tarot could mean many things. It could mean that you are too bound to the material aspects of life, a slave to trends and fashions. It could indicate addiction as well, overindulgence in pleasures to the point of ruin such as sex, alcohol, fame, money, and drugs. Geez, that sounds horrible doesn’t it? Enough to almost make you want to stop reading this right now and throw away The Devil card from every deck you own! However, before we go off the deep end, let’s continue talking about this card.

You may saying “Andrew, why would this card be one of your favorites when it has such negative meanings?” Here is my answer: The Devil talks about human nature. It talks about the Ego, and being a slave to thoughts that hold us back and keep us from our true potential! Going back to Human Nature, we are all pure creations made of light, in the image of God (or whoever you like to worship or pray to)! This card is a call to RISE UP and not be afraid of who we truly are! 

Our Ego has one job, to keep us from reaching our true potential by employing tactics or fear, worry, stress, negativity, addiction, greed, anger, bitterness, and resentment to keep us trapped in a low vibration so that we won’t receive that guidance we need from heaven! 

The Devil isn’t bad, nor is it negative. It simply a kick in the ass for you and I when we need it, when we are stifled by the cares and concerns of the physical world when it drags us down.

So, what is hold you back? What is The Devil wanting to show you? Are you feeling trapped? Are you self sabotaging? Are you speaking, thinking, and feeling from a negative space, causing self fulfilling prophecies? Are you repeating lies to yourself that are keeping you from your true power and potential?

If you answered ‘Yes’ to any of these, here is some tough love: Cut that shit out. You are ONLY hurting yourself. No matter how hard to cling to bitterness and anger and negativity, it will NOT get you where you want to be. So stop it. 

Ask Archangel Michael and Archangel Jeremiel to shield you from negativity and show you areas that need changing in your life, body, mind, and spirit. After this, how you proceed is your choice and yours alone. 

Angel Blessings!


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