Daily Draw, Tarot Cards, Tarot of Vampyres, Tarot Andrew Barker Daily Draw, Tarot Cards, Tarot of Vampyres, Tarot Andrew Barker

COTD 6/22/2015


Mercury Retrograde brings with it a time to reflect on yourself and your life. The Lovers reversed is about hard choices that need to be made. Be sure that you are seeing other people for who they really are and not who want or need them to be. You can want someone to be 'the one' and try and try knowing that that's not what is meant to be. Self Sacrifice is coming up for you this week. This could be sacrificing something you want to do for someone else or for more spiritual practices. It could be as simple as stepping away from the computer to meditate. Keep your loved ones close and let them know how much they mean to you. Miscommunications run rampant during MR.  

Angel Blessings,


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Tarot, Daily Draw, Tarot Cards Andrew Barker Tarot, Daily Draw, Tarot Cards Andrew Barker

COTD 8/17/2015


I honestly couldn't make this shit up. This card ties in perfect with the Angel Number for today, which I will include below. We have the Knight of Stones (Pentacles) today. In the traditional RWS Deck, this is the only Knight who is standing still with his horse. He is practical, responsible, and trustworthy. However, I feel that today this Knight is contemplating some changes. He is carefully considering his options and is on the verge of making a move. But the thing is, you can't let logic and practicality keep you from where your intuition is wanting you to go. Your Ego can most definitely use even the most positive aspects of yourself to hold you back. Venture out, you won't regret it, if you fail, you won't lose any more ground than you have now. Don't confuse yourself with overthinking!  If you are facing a career choice, go with your gut!! You've got this!!

Angel Blessings, 



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Tarot and Apps...Is it the Same?


So this is the first, non card of the day, post in a while. I want to talk about Tarot Cards vs. Tarot Apps. I know several people who prefer not to use them, and that's awesome. I know some people who choose to use them, but just for fun. I personally use them daily and I will tell you why:

1. I love the ease of access. It is so convenient for those of us who don't carry bags and can't carry a physical deck around with us. It also reduces the chance of physical cards getting damaged while we are out and about. I personally use an App for my card of the day 99% of the time, and have great success with it. This leads me to reason number two.

2. They are just as accurate as your physical deck, if you let them be. I use my tarot apps for readings for clients if I am on the go and don't have a deck with me. I have gotten just as much positive feedback as those readings that are done with a physical deck. For me, Tarot and Oracle Apps are amazingly accurate because I put my energy into them and I set my intention to have an accurate and divinely guided reading. I do the same prayer no matter what type of deck I use, and invoke the same 3 Archangels (Michael, Haniel, and Gabriel) as I normally would. If Tarot Apps don't work for you, think about the reason why. Are you already thinking that it won't work, or be accurate, before you even use it? 

3. They are great if you want to try a deck out. I personally have Apps on my phone of decks that I wouldn't buy the Physical Copy of. Not for any particular reason, I just like it better on my phone. But out of the 43 Tarot and Oracle apps I have, I own 33 of them as Physical Decks. For the most part, if the app is made my The Fool's Dog, LLC, you are able to read the entire guidebook for the deck as well. And I don't know about you, but I would rather pay 3.99 for a deck and not like it than pay 25-30 bucks, only to discover I can't connect with it. A prime example of this is The Revelations Tarot, I just can't get into it yet. 

4. They are super fun and easy! Most of them let you choose your own virtual Reading Cloth, while giving you tons of layouts to choose from! This is amazing to me, as I love little personal touches like that :) 

This post is not to convince anyone to download Tarot/Oracle Apps, only to state my observation about them :) 

Ange Blessings,



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