Tarot Cards, Daily Draw, Tarot Andrew Barker Tarot Cards, Daily Draw, Tarot Andrew Barker

COTD 6/9/2015


Hey Ya'll! 

Today we have my favorite Minor Arcana Card, The Nine of Cups! Ever since my Tarot journey began, I've felt a special connection to this card and it's pure, positive, energy. Surprise, this card is from the Ellis DecK again haha. I'm still not over this deck and don't think I ever will be! The Nine of Cups is the 'Dreams coming true' card. The Universe is giving you a huge "HELL YEAH"! You are eternally supported, cared, and provided for. All you have to do is voice your desires and then you will receive them! It's that simple, just believe you can have what you desire and that you deserve it!! Because you do!  

Angel Blessings, 


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Tarot, Tarot Cards, Daily Draw Andrew Barker Tarot, Tarot Cards, Daily Draw Andrew Barker

COTD 6/8/2015



First, let's discuss the fact that this makes 3 card of the day posts in a row, so I'm patting myself on the back for that. Second, our card  from the Ellis DecK again. I had a profound revelation with this card this morning as I drew it before I got out of bed. What do you see with this card? I see a girl entangled in spider webs. The 8 of Swords often comes up when someone is feeling confined or trapped. However, when we see this card, what stands out to me is the spider webs. We as humans can't get caught in Spiders web. We just walk right through it, though sometimes we still feel like it's all over us, which is fun. This card beckons you to ask yourself what you feel trapped by. Is it thoughts? Words? Actions? Well rest assured these 'traps' are illusions. You aren't trapped at all. If the girl on the card opened her eyes, she would be able to leave this situation in seconds. Ask for your spiritual eyes to be opened to any illusions that have you trapped and repeating patterns in your life so that you can be free! 

Angel Blessings! 


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Tarot Cards, Daily Draw, Tarot Andrew Barker Tarot Cards, Daily Draw, Tarot Andrew Barker

COTD 5/30/2015



Today, I decided to break out the old Rider-Waite deck. Well, the app version. Don't judge me. We have 'The Chariot' card. The message of this card is that you have control of what enters and exits your life. You hold the reigns, so to speak.  

What is standing in the way of your triumph and victory? Is it something you can get rid of? The answer is probably yes. Let whatever it is go. They are saying jealousy and bitterness may be a factor here.  

Remember, no one can block your success except for you.

Angel Blessings, 


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Oracle Cards, Daily Draw Andrew Barker Oracle Cards, Daily Draw Andrew Barker

COTD 5/24/2015

Hi All,

So I don't know what it is about this Mercury Retrograde (MR for short), but I am inexplicably drawn to the Tarot of Vampyres and the Les Vampires Oracle. I want to say it's because these decks have such a shadow energy to them and during MR, we are supposed to confront our shadow side and deal with it so that we can move forward with our lives. So I know that some of these cards may have confronting images and that some of you may now be drawn to the imagery, but bare with me. Spirit is giving these messages for a reason. So look beyond the art into the heart of the card. We have 'Seduction' today. This is actually the first time ever that I haven't actually drawn a card. This was my personal card for the day and Spirit told me to use it, so here it is. This card has multiple meanings. The first is not to be swayed by material things, the Vampire here can represent these material things, seducing you and begging for you attention. The bloody handprints on the wall are an Omen of what will come if you succumb to materialism. Your spirit will suffer and wither away. Material Comfort is important, don't get me wrong, but one huge lesson I learned recently is that we are Spiritual beings having a Physical Experience. We are NOT Physical beings trying to have Spiritual Experience. Wait, what? Yes. When we put too much focus on the material and physical, we lose sight of the Spiritual and the funny thing is, the Spirit in us, creates the physical world around us! We have lost sight of this amazing fact. The Second meaning of this card is a quite literal one. If you are in a relationship, don't look to others no matter how tempting or alluring they are. Seduction is a POWERFUL thing. The person who may be tempting you has no horse in the race that is your relationship. They will leave you bloodied and beaten, but hey, they got what they wanted. I know this is a strange message to have, but I know it is needed for someone out there. I love you guys so much! My weekly reading is below, and I used this deck for it! So check it out and subscribe to my channel if you haven't already! 

Angel Blessings!


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Tarot of Vampyres, Tarot, Daily Draw, Tarot Cards Andrew Barker Tarot of Vampyres, Tarot, Daily Draw, Tarot Cards Andrew Barker

COTD 5/23/2015



Todays card falls in, yet again, with the theme of mercury retrograde which is personal discovery and renewal. The seven of knives tells us that it is time to put your problem-solving skills to work! Use your better judgment paired with wit and, at times, cunning to work through certain problems. Are you being taking advantage of? Use your intuition to discern who loves you for you, and who just wants something from you. The card of today is telling you to turn into word on your individuality. Take time away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. However, while taking time for yourself is a must, avoid extensive separation from others and incorporate others into your life while still maintaining healthy boundaries.

Angel Blessings


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Tarot of Vampyres, Tarot Cards, Tarot, Daily Draw Andrew Barker Tarot of Vampyres, Tarot Cards, Tarot, Daily Draw Andrew Barker

COTD 5/22/2015


We have the Justice card, reversed of course. This card in reverse talks about not being able to move on from your past and punishing yourself for past actions. Be on the look out for self righteousness, or actions and/or words that could be taken as self righteousness and/or hypocrisy. If anything can be taken out of context, it will be during this wonderful time known as Mercury Retrograde. Now, Mercury Retrograde isn't bad like we think. It honestly is a time for reflection and renewal. It is time to accept your faults and move forward. Let it Go.... This card is also talking about overanalyzing being very common right now. Take some time out for yourself today and make the most of the Mercury Retrograde and you will be able to change your life!! 

Angel Blessings,


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Daily Draw, Tarot Cards, Tarot, Tarot of Vampyres Andrew Barker Daily Draw, Tarot Cards, Tarot, Tarot of Vampyres Andrew Barker

COTD 5/20/2015



Dont freak out at this card, haha. This deck is very confronting but not without just cause. The Five of Skulls reversed talks to us about our shadow sides. Anxiety, loss, worry, and despair resonate with this card. Upright, it offers a glimmer of hope, here however, hopelessness is found. I want to tell you that you are NOT hopeless! You are going to make it through whatever you are facing. You feel utterly helpless and paralyzed by fear. But that's not true. You are brave and powerful!!! 

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Tarot Cards, Daily Draw, Tarot Andrew Barker Tarot Cards, Daily Draw, Tarot Andrew Barker

COTD 5/15/2015


Alright Guys!  

Card number 8, Strength. When I see this card I see a couple different things: 

First, I see the birds and the Cat in peace and harmony. Normally there is bit of animosity between the two, but here we see the birds just sitting and not being worried. This tells me that no matter what we are faced with, we can stand right beside our fears and be brave. We have strength inside and around us. The Universe will never not support you with your strength when you need it.  

Now the second thing I see is the Cat showing AMAZING self restraint. Here we are reminded that Strength sometimes comes in the form of Self Control. It takes more for us to remain silent when it's called for than to lash out. This doesn't mean be a doormat, but it does mean to choose your battles wisely. To me, this cats face is saying he wants the jump up and eat these birds, but he isn't, either that, or he has his eyes on bigger prize in the distance and realizes the birds are insignificant in the pursuit of this prize.  

Remember, you are strong! 

Angel Blessings, 


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Tarot Cards, Daily Draw, Tarot Andrew Barker Tarot Cards, Daily Draw, Tarot Andrew Barker

COTD 5/14/2015



today we have the moon card from the Mystical Cats Tarot. This card tells us that things aren't what they seem.  There is secrecy around certain situations that you are dealing with right now. It is a good time to do intuitive work to find out what the universe wants you to know. Don't trust what you see now as the complete truth, leave time for things to unfold the way they aren't supposed to.

Angel Blessings


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Daily Draw, Oracle Cards Andrew Barker Daily Draw, Oracle Cards Andrew Barker

COTD 5/6/2015




Apparently I have this thing I do when I draw cards and forget to post them. So I do ask your forgiveness for the past two days. However, we have a pretty kick ass card today. We have 'The World Lord' from the 'Wisdom of the Hidden Realms' Oracle cards!

This is a pat yourself on the back card. Use positive words to praise yourself. We have so much power that every facet of our lives can be changed by uttering a single word. Use positive words, thoughts, and affirmations to change your life for the better!  

Our bodies respond to praise. Praise it for it's inherent health and beauty. Applaud yourself for everything you do, even the tiniest accomplishments are important!!  

*This next one blessed my life* 

Praise your bills: Give thanks for the services you enjoy and watch the ability to pay them increase as you align with Spirit's increasing power! 

Write down and say affirmations and remember: Say it is so- and it  will   be!  

Angel Blessings, 


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