COTD 7/27/2015
The 4 of Swords pops up for us today and asks you, why are you not resting or meditating? Both of these things are very important. I'm preaching to my damn self with this because it seems I never have time for Meditating and I need to! It is okay to forget about responsibilities for a bit. Relax!!! If you don't relax, you may or may not explode and, trust me, no one wants to clean that up. So take time for you. Breathe. Relax. Take a little vacation!! Carve out time for número uno, you.
Angel Blessings,
COTD 7/25/2015
Good Afternoon Lovely People!!
Today, The Mermaids and Dolphins have a message for you! What has you feeling stuck? Are you trapped in lower energy thoughts, feelings, word, or actions? The time has come, dear one, to make a decision. They are showing me a clock, telling me to tell you that time is of the essence. You see, the longer that we stay 'captive' (this is in quotes because we are never really captive to anything unless we give it power) to these lower energies, the worse things will get for us. So make a decision to walk away from whatever it is keeping you down. You have all of the power here!
Angel Blessings,
COTD 7/23/2015
My favorite court card, the Queen of Gabriel (Wands)!!! This is your time! Spread those wings out and FLY!! You have goals and desires? GO AFTER THEM!! They aren't going to come to you if you don't work for it a bit. Don't worry if it seems like a huge task, you are going to find people along the way to help you achieve your goals and dreams. But you have to take that first step out of the nest and fly! It's going to be a bit difficult at first, just as it is for baby birds, but in no time you will be soaring high!!:)
Angel Blessings,
COTD 7/22/2015
Hi everybody!!
There was an overall theme in my personal reading, including this card, for today. It's time to carve out space in our schedules to consciously connect with the Divine energy in, and around, us. Everyone has it. Everyone can tap into it. It is important that we all take time to make that connection to God/dess, whoever is in your sphere of influence. It helps us become better people and it keeps our vibrations high! So pray, meditate, chant, do yoga, anyway you connect is fine, just as long as you do.
Angel Blessings,
COTD 7/18/2015
Hello Lovely Souls!
Today’s card asks you to look deeper into yourself and your longing for material items. Is there something missing from your life? Is there a void that needs filling? Be careful that your quest for material things doesn’t leave you all alone. After all, what good is having it all if you are all alone and have no one to share it with? Friends, Lovers, Family, they are all worthy and deserving of sharing your resources. There is a lot the Material world can give you and I, however only the Spiritual world can offer lasting happiness and peace. We are, after all, spiritual beings having human experience. So let’s shift our focus from the material to the spiritual and trust the material to fall into place according to the Divine Plan of the Universe.
Angel Blessings,
COTD 7/14/2015
Hello Everybody!
Sorry for my absence again, but I promise this card will make up for it. This deck has been calling to me for ages, and I really feel the presence of Isis today, so I decided to use this deck. Funny story, I actually did't choose a card from this deck first. I normally do the Card of the Day from one of my many Apps on my phone. But today, I drew the card and wasn't feeling a connection with it. So here we are! Lesson: When a deck wants to be heard and used, use it.
We have the "Wings of Isis" today, and this card is AMAZING!!!!! First, the Imagery is PHENOMENAL. WOW. Think that's cool? Hold on to your hats! The message of this card is that you, YES YOU, have special spiritual relationship with the Angelic World (even if you aren't aware of it yet). and part of your Soul Purpose is the bring Angelic Consciousness and Values to earth. What values are they? Fearlessness, compassion, and service are just a few. Have you ever felt like there is more to your life? More to your Life Purpose? Well you are right! Once we become aware that we are not only of this world, but the angelic one, we begin to tap into that power that only the Angels can give us.
This sounds amazing right? Of course! That is because it IS amazing! However, this path isn't easy. It calls for you to lift your vibrations higher and higher, which will result in certain practices, behaviors, thoughts, and, yes, even relationships to fall by the wayside in pursuit of this purpose. Not to worry though. The Divine Winged Mother, Isis, is assisting you, making sure you won't fail. There are others like you as well, myself included, that you will be drawn to as well! I am going to include an Incantation from the Guidebook of this Deck that can be read by anyone of any belief system.
Angel Goddess Wings of White
Help my Angelic Soul take Flight
I call upon Angelic Intervention
Align my life with Divine Perfection
My Soul and inner Angel are one
In my body integration has begun
Angel Goddess Wings of Love
You protect me from below and above.
Angel Blessings,
COTD 7/11/2015
Today's guidance comes from the Tarot Illuminati of course :) 4 cards came up! This deck loves to talk to us! We start with the wonderful 3 of Cups, which tells us to Celebrate! There is a lot of positive energy around you and others today so Celebrate the success of others and you will notice your success will manifest seemingly out of nowhere! The 4 of Wands carries with the theme of celebration! Celebrate your success in advance, let the positivity of what you would feel with your goals accomplished, fill your spirit now. This gives the Law of Attraction an easier path to work through. Know that you are provided for and that your requirements for this situation are met and fulfilled. Next, the Magnificent Queen of Cups. You are going to be receiving insights today from your intuition and from Higher Beings. To make sure you receive these messages, signs, and symbols, take care of others and show empathy. Avoid combative attitudes and victim mentalities. Your guidance will be muddled if you do that. Be nurturing and tender, Mother Mary and Kwan Yin come to mind. Last but certainly not least, we have the King of Pentacles. Following guidance from the cards and from your intuition and higher beings will get you where you want to be financially. Now, this won't necessarily happen overnight, but don't be surprised if your needs start being met. Prosperity has come to you, but don't forget about where you came from. Be wise with your finances. Enlist the help of someone who is financially minded if you are not ( like I'm not haha) and let them guide you! The absence of Swords here tells me that you will have to make a conscious effort to be happy and positive today. Everything starts with the thoughts.
COTD 7/8/2015
Emotions! That's the keyword today! The tarot illuminati advice starts with the Ace of Cups. You are going to have a lot of feelings (Mean Girls reference) today. And it looks like most of them will be positive! New beginnings in the emotional sphere, even romance, are possible today! So good things! You cup will run over with positive emotions. Along comes Temperance next however. This card kind of reigns us in a bit. Emotions are great, but make sure there is logic as well. Decisions made in Emotional Highs or Lows, can actually have the opposite effect and end up causing you more harm than good. This realization may potentially push you into the '4 of Cups Mentality'. However, pouting and negativity isn't going to get you anywhere. Realize what is being offered to you, and once you accept it, the 6 of Wands will be your ending, VICTORY!!! You will feel accomplished and wonderful! Avoid the poor pitiful me shit though haha. No one likes that.
Angel Blessings
COTD 7/5/2015
Death. Transformation. Leave behind things that weigh you down. You will be amazed at how naturally walking away will seem. There are things we cannot control. Death is one, change is the other. We can't resist either as well. Let change happen. Don't resist it and watch how it will change your life for the better! Death doesn't hurt, but change can. Keep it positive during this time of change.
Angel Blessings
COTD 7/3/2015
Hey All!
Your likes and dislikes have changed, and you have outgrown situations that once appealed to you. This is a sign of spiritual growth. Even though things seem hard, these situations are blessings in disguise. This card tells you that you are supported right now and that it's OK to let go and make a leap of faith. Leave your comfort zone, you won't regret it. Don't procrastinate anymore. Ask Paravati for help in finding solutions to your problems :)
Angel Blessings,
COTD 7/2/2015
Hey guys!
We have a message from Archangel Michael today! Life Purpose is a big subject, and one that everyone, including myself, wonders about. The prayer on this card is simple and beautiful. Give your worries about your life purpose to Archangel Michael, he will help guide you in the right direction. :)
Angel Blessings,