COTD 6/26/2015
Hello All!
I am writing this overjoyed at the decision of the Supreme Court to make Same Sex Marriage Legal in all 50 states! It's just all around amazing and I'm very excited :) We have the 'Queen of Ariel' today, and she tells us to Nurture ourselves and others today. No matter what situation you are in, it has the potential to be beautiful. Love your way through it. Ask what lessons you are to learn, and learn them. As you learn and apply them to your life, the situations, or teachers, will disappear :)
Angel Blessings,
COTD 6/21/2015
Hi There!
"Ego", or "The Devil", comes up for us today. No, this card isn't bad at all. It's just telling us that we shouldn't be overly focused on material things. Don't let negative thoughts into your realm of influence today. Keep positive and realize they YOU are the only one who can hold yourself back. No one else can do it unless to allow them to! Ask Archangel Jophiel to help beautify your thoughts and keep them positive today
Angel Blessings,
COTD 6/20/2015
So, 2 of Sky. Two options present themselves. One is presented from your Higher Self and Spirit, the other by your Ego, lower energy. I have always seen this card as a battle between these two different thought patterns. The Ego will make you feel rushed into making a decision. Your Higher Self, however, will give you gentle and loving guidance as to what to choose and which path to take. Trust your Higher Self and don't make rash decisions.
Angel Blessings,
COTD 6/16/2015
Today will be a day of Transformation! However there is a path you must walk to acheive this Transformation. Let go of everything holding you back. The one thing we can count on in life is change (cliché I know). Take a moment to ask yourself, what do I need transformed in my life? What do I need to let go of? What is holding me back? Allow honest answers to come to you and don't be afraid if the task is daunting. This a a time to show yourself what you are made of. You are capable of so much, and sometimes it can only be found out by facing scary things head on and realizing that nothing is as bad as it seems.
Angel Blessing,
Weekly Reading for 6/15-6/21
We have such a great week coming up!! Check it out!!
Angel Blessings,
COTD 6/13/2015
Today we have the '9 of Wands' and '4 of Swords'. This deck is the most accurate I have come across other than the Mystical Cats Tarot. I love this deck because it makes me want to always draw 'one more card'. It is so direct and upfront, much like the Tarot Illuminati. Anyway, about the cards. 9 of Wands is about skill and protecting that which you have, sometimes to a fault. Perseverance and Stamina are rampant in this card, which seems at odds with the 4 of Swords, which is about rest and taking a breather, while not forgetting your responsibilities. So what are you using your stamina to protect. Are you tired from trying to hold your own for too long? Don't push yourself too hard. Take time to recover and rejuvenate. Running yourself ragged isn't going to help anything and will only cause you lose that which you have persevered so hard to protect. Rest. Relax. It's ok to do that.
Angel Blessings,
COTD 6/9/2015
Hey Ya'll!
Today we have my favorite Minor Arcana Card, The Nine of Cups! Ever since my Tarot journey began, I've felt a special connection to this card and it's pure, positive, energy. Surprise, this card is from the Ellis DecK again haha. I'm still not over this deck and don't think I ever will be! The Nine of Cups is the 'Dreams coming true' card. The Universe is giving you a huge "HELL YEAH"! You are eternally supported, cared, and provided for. All you have to do is voice your desires and then you will receive them! It's that simple, just believe you can have what you desire and that you deserve it!! Because you do!
Angel Blessings,
COTD 6/8/2015
First, let's discuss the fact that this makes 3 card of the day posts in a row, so I'm patting myself on the back for that. Second, our card from the Ellis DecK again. I had a profound revelation with this card this morning as I drew it before I got out of bed. What do you see with this card? I see a girl entangled in spider webs. The 8 of Swords often comes up when someone is feeling confined or trapped. However, when we see this card, what stands out to me is the spider webs. We as humans can't get caught in Spiders web. We just walk right through it, though sometimes we still feel like it's all over us, which is fun. This card beckons you to ask yourself what you feel trapped by. Is it thoughts? Words? Actions? Well rest assured these 'traps' are illusions. You aren't trapped at all. If the girl on the card opened her eyes, she would be able to leave this situation in seconds. Ask for your spiritual eyes to be opened to any illusions that have you trapped and repeating patterns in your life so that you can be free!
Angel Blessings!
COTD 5/30/2015
Today, I decided to break out the old Rider-Waite deck. Well, the app version. Don't judge me. We have 'The Chariot' card. The message of this card is that you have control of what enters and exits your life. You hold the reigns, so to speak.
What is standing in the way of your triumph and victory? Is it something you can get rid of? The answer is probably yes. Let whatever it is go. They are saying jealousy and bitterness may be a factor here.
Remember, no one can block your success except for you.
Angel Blessings,
COTD 5/23/2015
Todays card falls in, yet again, with the theme of mercury retrograde which is personal discovery and renewal. The seven of knives tells us that it is time to put your problem-solving skills to work! Use your better judgment paired with wit and, at times, cunning to work through certain problems. Are you being taking advantage of? Use your intuition to discern who loves you for you, and who just wants something from you. The card of today is telling you to turn into word on your individuality. Take time away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. However, while taking time for yourself is a must, avoid extensive separation from others and incorporate others into your life while still maintaining healthy boundaries.
Angel Blessings
COTD 5/22/2015
We have the Justice card, reversed of course. This card in reverse talks about not being able to move on from your past and punishing yourself for past actions. Be on the look out for self righteousness, or actions and/or words that could be taken as self righteousness and/or hypocrisy. If anything can be taken out of context, it will be during this wonderful time known as Mercury Retrograde. Now, Mercury Retrograde isn't bad like we think. It honestly is a time for reflection and renewal. It is time to accept your faults and move forward. Let it Go.... This card is also talking about overanalyzing being very common right now. Take some time out for yourself today and make the most of the Mercury Retrograde and you will be able to change your life!!
Angel Blessings,