New Years Eve Post!
Hello Lovely People!
Well, today is it. I know I haven't posted here in like.....40 years haha. Life really got hectic with the move from North Carolina to DC and then with transferring jobs and all of that. But lets take a few minutes to chat on this New Year's Eve.
2015 was a whirlwind year for all of us! So much happened, good and bad, that shaped our lives in one way or another. I want to ask you to take a look back and see what happened for you this year that really filled you with joy and happiness! Focus on nothing but the positive, but acknowledge what you would like to change about your life this year as well. Everyone has things they want to work on, and you have the power and knowledge to achieve whatever that is.
We are closing this chapter and, at midnight tonight, we are starting a brand new book. It is such a cliché but it is very true! So I want to challenge you to make a list of goals in your journal, on your computer, whatever you choose. Ask Archangel Jeremiel for assistance with this, as he is the angel of Life Reviews and can really give you that insight as to what worked, what didn't, and new things to try altogether.
If you aren't good at writing, or have trouble articulating your desires, ask Archangel Gabriel to help you with that. She is amazing at helping us get our thoughts down and really write what we feel in our souls.
I drew a card to ask what I should talk about in this post, besides the traditional New Years Eve stuff, and I drew the King of Michael. The message is this:
"You are protected in your ambitions. Don't set your sights too low. I am giving you the extra power that you need to achieve the goals that you set for yourself. If you need assistance with finding your life purpose, as yourself where your true ambitions are, once you find that, you will know the direction that you should go. Lovely child of light, I am guiding you, walking beside you, and keeping you safe. Don't be afraid to step out in faith to follow your dreams. The wisdom you need is already yours. Just acknowledge that you have it and you will be more power than you have ever imagined" -Archangel Michael
WOW!! What an incredible message from Archangel Michael!! This is amazing! I am kind of surprised by it, no lie. I wasn't expecting that haha.
Going into 2016, know you are loved, powerful, and beautiful!
And I promise to post more this year :)
Angel Blessings!
COTD 9/24/2015
The "King of Earth" pops up for us today! I love the energy of the Kings. Ths particular King comes with sign of abundance and prosperity. For me, the new iPhone launches tomorrow so it's quite relevant to me. This card is about success. You are entering into a time where success is yours if you take those steps into opportunities offered to you. Don't look at the 'what could go wrong', and look what is already going right! Literally everything you do right now will be successful. This being said, we are Mercury Retrograde so don't start really new ventures, businesses, or make big purchases. Instead, until this MR is over on the 9th of October, focus on cultivating yourself to be ready to take those leaps. Opportunities can still be offered to you, just tell them you need a few days to think it over. I actually did that once and realized, after taking a step back, that it wasn't an option I needed to pursue. Either way, success is yours!!!!
Angel Blessings,
COTD 6/22/2015
Mercury Retrograde brings with it a time to reflect on yourself and your life. The Lovers reversed is about hard choices that need to be made. Be sure that you are seeing other people for who they really are and not who want or need them to be. You can want someone to be 'the one' and try and try knowing that that's not what is meant to be. Self Sacrifice is coming up for you this week. This could be sacrificing something you want to do for someone else or for more spiritual practices. It could be as simple as stepping away from the computer to meditate. Keep your loved ones close and let them know how much they mean to you. Miscommunications run rampant during MR.
Angel Blessings,
COTD 9/20/2015
Hello All!
I am fresh off of a WONDERFUL vacation! It was so much fun, and my Disney Princess meet and greet list is done! Haha. We have the 3 of Swords today. Don't freak out though, this is a card asking you to take a look at that one thing that we all have going on inside of us that we know it is time to let go of. It's not helping you, only hurting you. By not letting go, you are piercing your own heart. Let your Angels guide you and you will be okay. The process will hurt, but will be worth it :)
Angel Blessings,
COTD 9/9/2015
Hello lovely, beautiful, souls!!
We have an amazing card today!!! The Star tells us that there is hope! Be happy! Be optimistic! Make plans that you have been wanting to make! Step out and have faith that your plans and dreams will be successful!! After all, you decide the fate of your dreams and plans before you even start! So start off being grateful, happy, and expecting the best!!
i love you all dearly!!
COTD 9/3/2015
Today we have "Justice" from the Angel Tarot. Sometimes we drag our feet in making choices that we need to make because they aren't easy. This card comes as a swift kick in the ass to make the decision. Do what you know to do because you are only prolonging pain if you don't. You know in your heart and in your mind that this is choice that needs to be made. "Rip off the band-aid" is what I'm getting with this card. This choice will restore balance to your life and help you walk your path with more confidence and joy.
Angel Blessings,
COTD 8/25/2015
Tarot Mucha has our guidance today! The Page of Swords, King of Swords, and 7 of Wands RX are telling us that we are going to gain new insights today! These new ideas are going to give us a lot of power and bravery to express them in a way where we are sure of ourselves. The King here is very diplomatic and kind, and the new ideas or thought processes are going to move us from a place of timidity to this place where the King stands. Take a closer look at the King, is he taking his sword out, or putting it back in? Whichever you think is right for you. If you see him taking it out, it may be time to cut away some thought processes, actions, words, or even people out of your life to enhance your journey. However, if you see him putting the sword back in, maybe you have already taken care of this or you are in the process of doing so. Moving to the end we are cautioned not to give up, even when we may feel like it. People aren't going to agree with everything you think, to be perfectly honest. They may give you some push back. Keep persevering. Your journey isn't for them, it's for you.
Angel Blessings,
COTD 8/22/2015
So I am experimenting with Reversals because of the class in currently in, and I decided to use reversals in today's card. We have the 7 of Swords today. Don't run away from things today. Confront them. If you've messed up, own up to it. But be careful not to assume a victim mentality over something you created for yourself. It sounds kind of harsh I know, but we gain power in taking responsibility for our words, thoughts, and actions. This could very well mean that you have been having negative thoughts and need to own up to it and change them. It's very easy to ignore what we don't acknowledge.
Angel Blessings
COTD 8/21/2015
Let's chat.
How many of you know how truly powerful you are? Probably not a lot. I know I don't haha. We have ideas, and we hear people talk about it, but how often do we actually walk in it? What if I told you that your thoughts, even the fleeting ones, can change the course of your day, year, or even your life? Well guess whaaaattttt, they can! I am really being spoke to today about my thoughts and how they need to change. How can you change your thoughts? By realizing how powerful you are! Once you fully realize it, you are limitless in what you can manifest!! You have the power of the Universe running through you, at this very moment, the stardust that makes up galaxies is inside of you. The power that created the Universe is the power you have!!! Step into it!! All you have to do is open the door and step into it!!! You are loved beyond belief and it is so incredibly safe to be powerful and to know you are!!
Angel Blessings!!
COTD 8/17/2015
I honestly couldn't make this shit up. This card ties in perfect with the Angel Number for today, which I will include below. We have the Knight of Stones (Pentacles) today. In the traditional RWS Deck, this is the only Knight who is standing still with his horse. He is practical, responsible, and trustworthy. However, I feel that today this Knight is contemplating some changes. He is carefully considering his options and is on the verge of making a move. But the thing is, you can't let logic and practicality keep you from where your intuition is wanting you to go. Your Ego can most definitely use even the most positive aspects of yourself to hold you back. Venture out, you won't regret it, if you fail, you won't lose any more ground than you have now. Don't confuse yourself with overthinking! If you are facing a career choice, go with your gut!! You've got this!!
Angel Blessings,
COTD 8/16/2015 and Changes
Hello everyone!!
First, accept my sincerest apologies for not having a card of the day for a while. If you saw my post before, my boyfriend Matt and I were looking at Apartments in D.C. and I just didn't have time to post. I really did try though! I just couldn't find time to do it. So here we are, after a brief time apart. We have the Chariot card today!! This card tells you that you have all of the power! Self Control is your friend right now, don't go took crazy and over do things to the point of exhaustion. You are entering a very successful time in your life and you are going to be recognized for all that you do, even if it isn't in the professional setting. You are going be seeing a lot of desires come true and manifestations occur as long as you realize that you hold all of the power that these desires and manifestations need to occur! You've got this!!!
PS. My Prices have officially changed. For more info, visit the Readings page by clicking here
Angel Blessings,