Andrew Barker Andrew Barker

COTD for 4/1/2015


We have an amazing card for the first day of April! 'Gentleness' from the Magical Times Empowerment Cards, tells us that strength isn't always brute force. The rarest type of strength comes through Gentleness. This card tells us that true kindness has wings, and they likened this to flying in a plane. A plane gets you to your destination faster than walking. True kindness has the same effect! It will help you get further in life. So now we talk about love. I want to include a passage from the Bible about love (I know, I know, but it's good). It tells us exactly what love is.  

1 Corinthians 13:4-7

4 Love is patient and kind; it is not jealous or conceited or proud; 5 love is not ill-mannered or selfish or irritable; love does not keep a record of wrongs; 6 love is not happy with evil, but is happy with the truth. 7 Love never gives up; and its faith, hope, and patience never fail.

Angel Blessings, 



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Andrew Barker Andrew Barker

How about a Meditation??

Hello Everyone!!! I wanted to share with you a meditation that I use every time I get ready to read for a client. This meditation can be used any time though, and can be used with any Angel, as long as you know the Color of that Angels Aura or Halo! I hope you enjoy this!

Angel Blessings!


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COTD for 3/31/2015


Hello lovelies!!! I was inexplicably drawn to use the 'Tarot of Vampyres' Deck today. I had no idea why until I actually read the symbol section in the guidebook about this card. The Eight of Knives card tells us that we may feel constricted or tied down. We may feel like there is no way out, or that we are waiting on circumstances that aren't within our control. However, as I looked more into this card, I saw that the Author lists kindred spirits that are attached to each card. In this case, we have 2 Angels, Vembael and Yahohel. Now, you may be wondering why these are important. I am about to tell you. As I researched these Angels and found their specialties, I have to say that it goes perfectly with this card. Vembael is the Angel who helps us when we feel that our lives are going nowhere. When we feel this way, we tend to mistrust others because the human nature wants to blame others. Vembael can lead us away from this behavior and guide us to love and trust. Yahohel, which has noticeable similarities to YAHWEH, is the angel who helps anyone who has copious amounts of anger in their lives. He can break the cycle of evil and put us back where need to be. So Anger and mistrust due to our own human nature can be the very things are holding us back or tying us down. Ask these angels to help you overcome any feeligns like the ones mentioned above. This card also talks about tremendous will to press on and finish what you started. I know the imagery is dark, but it's the lesson, not the image that is important. 

Angel Blessings!


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Andrew Barker Andrew Barker

Intuition Introduction

Hello Everyone!!!

I am made a fairly short video talking about the ways that your intuition connects with you and how it can give you signs using things you know about in the physical world! This is a video that I have been wanting, and trying, to make for a while now, so I really hope that you enjoy it!! 

Angel Blessings!


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Daily Draw, Tarot, Tarot Cards Andrew Barker Daily Draw, Tarot, Tarot Cards Andrew Barker

Card for 3/30/2015


Todays card is from the "Daily Guidance from your Angels" Oracle Deck. Now, we have gotten this card before, and each time I always stress the importance of positive thinking, which isn't wrong considering the wording on this card. But I want to take it one step further. Positive thoughts are just a foundation on which our words and actions are built. Positive thinking isn't enough. Is it essential? No doubt about! Can we rely on just that? Nope. The beautiful thing about Positive thinking is that, assuming you practice it regularly, your actions and words will start to become more and more positive! So when our thoughts, words, AND actions, are positive, there is no limit to the amount of power that we possess! Ask your Angels and Spirit Guides for help with this and you will be amazed at what you receive!! 

Angel Blessings!


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Andrew Barker Andrew Barker

Cards for 3/29/2015


The first card of the day we have is "Four of Swords" from the Wizards Tarot! this card says that it is time to rest! You have been overworking and dealing with too much stress. This card says that it is time to take a break from your duties and responsibilities, but in doing so realize that taking a break doesn't mean your duties and responsibilities end. They are just suspended for a time. Take time, relax, then you will feel rejuvenated and ready to take on your destiny. 




The Second card we have is the 'King of Pentacles' from The Housewives Tarot! Luxury. Diligence. Riches. That is what this card is about. After your rest and recuperation, you are going to have a new sense of what it takes to get what you desire. You will also be able to have the diligence needed to obtain your desires. However, this will not be an overnight success. Rest assured though, It will be worth it in the end. 

Angel Blessings!! 


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Andrew Barker Andrew Barker

Card of the Day, 3/27/2015


Hello Lovelies!, 

Todays Card is 'Passed Over Loved Ones' from the Angel Dreams Deck. You are surrounded by you departed loved ones today. They are urging you to forgive yourself of anything related to their passing. Whatever you didn't get to say, say it to them now. They can still hear you and respond in their own way. This could include hearing strange sounds, getting cold chills, things being moved around your house, seeing butterflies, and multitudes of other things. They have forgiven you for anything that was, or wasn't, said or done. They have released it and it no longer affects them. They are asking you to do the same thing. Forgive yourself. Rest assured that they are watching over you. If someone's passing was especially difficult or traumatic, they see how their choices changed you in their Life Review once they pass over. The Life Review is something that everyone does once they cross over. We see how what we said and did affected other people and then we release it and embrace the love and light of heaven. I love you guys!!  

Angel Blessings,


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Tarot, Tarot Cards, Daily Draw Andrew Barker Tarot, Tarot Cards, Daily Draw Andrew Barker

Card of the Day, 3/24/2015


Today we have the 'Fortune' card from the 'Tarot of the Vampyres'! This is such a wonderfully beautiful card! I was shocked when I first saw it! This card is telling us that the wheel of the Universe is in constant motion, never changing or stopping. It is the wheel of destiny and fate. When we see the Fortune card, it tells us that change and movement are inevitable. Life is full of endings that lead to beginnings and then the end of those beginnings. It is up to us to keep up with this particular movement of the Universe, and adapt to our ever changing culture, thoughts and ideas. Nothing stays the same for long. That is something we have to accept. Change is always for the better, even when we don't see it like that. This card can also talk about unexpected gifts and opportunities! One thing that sticks out to me is that there is the Wheel, but thorns are behind it. This tells me to tell you that the wheel is still spinning during those thorny times in our lives and to never lose hope that things are still working in your favor, even if you are in a garden filled with thorns. When I looked at the Symbolism section in the book about this card, so much is drawn out!! There are 3 Vampyre creatures on this wheel, the serpent to the left who represents the negative force of retrospection and dissipation or decay (winter), the panther to the right which represents the positive creative and active energy that initiates the fires of life (summer), and the Sphinx-like creature at the top of the wheel that is made up of the four elemental animals whose particular role is the preserver and connecters of the other polarities, allowing the wheel to churn out everything into existence. All in all, this is a card rich with symbolism to the point that it is just absolutely mind blowing. 

Angel Blessings!


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Andrew Barker Andrew Barker

Card for 3/23/2015!


Today we have a card from a darker deck, "The Tarot of Vampyres' by Ian Daniels. Most of you are probably going to notice that this card is slightly out of the norm for the decks I normally use. The reason I chose this deck is because, while I believe whole heartedly that Angels are amazing and helpful, I believe that the shadow side of lif should be honored as well. This particular deck is new to me and I love it so far! I believe it's important to have a variety of light and dark, and to honor both. The darker decks, to me, always have really deep meanings that are rich in symbolism. So the card we have is the 'Prince of Skulls'! This card talks about the increase of matter with quickness and efficiency. Be straightforward and persistent in your actions! With focus, you can mentally direct your path through the universe! Be grounded, but stay free. Make sure that you set boundaries so you will not be distracted from your goals. Also, seek out the true nature of people and situations, so that you aren't surprised when the truth comes out. This card also talks about becoming aware of your sensual side and realizing that your sensual side is not bad, but rather a gift!

Angel Blessings! 


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Andrew Barker Andrew Barker

Card for 3/22/2015


Today's message comes from the lovely nature Angels, the flowers! The message is for us to draw our focus towards a specific goal. We are often times too scattered with the hustle and bustle of every day life to be able to do this. However, when we do this, our energy goes towards one specific thing, with immense power, rather than it going towards many things with very little power behind it. There are things you can let go of right now, whether you think so or not. The Angels are absolutely amazing at answering our calls for clarity and help, don't be afraid to ask! Consider buying Baby's Breath and keeping around your home, office, or both if you feel the need for extra help :) 

Angel Blessings! 


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Andrew Barker Andrew Barker

Card of the day, 3/20/2015


Happy Spring!!! We are working with the Magical Messages from the Fairies Oracle Cards in honor of the Spring Equinox!  

This card tells us that sometimes we want the very things that are toxic to us. Our hearts tell us the truth, but our heads get in the way. Then sometimes we just want things that others don't want us to have (can I get an Amen?).  

Take a step back. Look at everything in a panoramic view. What is good for you now and what is good for you now AND in the future? It's time to be honest with yourself my dear. Only you can know what you desire, and only you can achieve it or obtain it. You have so much power! Just make sure it is directed at the right things.  

Angel Blessings,


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