COTD 4/13/2015
Congratulations!!! You have left your comfort zone and an exciting new challenge is yours! This card tells you not to worry because you have made tremendous progress! You may not feel like it, but remember, even one step outside of your comfort zone is still a step! If you have been contemplating following a dream that calls you to do something that is "out of character", GO FOR IT!! You have so much support behind and beside you right now! So what are you waiting for?
On a side note, I got a Card from the Suit of Michael for myself, and a friend today. This in itself tells me that now is a time to use logic. Emotions seem to be influenced heavily by the ego right now, logic is where you need to operate from at this moment.
Angel Blessings,
COTD 4/12/2015
You have been planning and saving for quite a while. You have been careful and, at times, frugal, to be able to obtain what you desire. Well this is a message to take that next step. Your optimistic plans are going to turn out in the very best way! Now, if you haven't been planning, but have a goal or dream you to see come to fruition, then now is the time to take that next step and start saving. You are supported by the Angels in your efforts. Everything is going to be okay!:)
Angel Blessings
COTD 4/10/2015
Stop! It's time to take a moment to reflect and look back at your accomplishments. This card goes perfectly with my personal card for the day, the 4 of Swords. It talks about stopping and resting. Relax. You have been doing so much, and have accomplished amazing things. Take a small break from your responsibilities, without neglecting them, and just do something fun and relaxing. Your Guardian Angel is urging you to take time for yourself to avoid fatigue and lower energy.
Angel Blessings!
COTD 4/9/2015
This evening's message comes in the form of the 'Page of Raphael'. This card is one that brings about positive emotional change. Now, when I say positive change, what I mean is that the process of changing may not be desirable, but it will be for the best in the end. This card is one of relationships, romantic and other wise. Your angels are guiding you and giving you advice, it's time to listen to it. They are giving you information psychically as well as through your intuition. That gentle nudging, and soft whisper are signs. Listen to them so your life can improve :)
Angel Blessings!
COTD 4/8/2015
today's card is Concious Connections from The Sacred Rebels Oracle by Alana Fairchild. This card is a call for more intimacy in your immediate relationships. There is an opening for heart-to-heart communication that can salvage and restore a broken relationship or friendship, if you are willing to honor your differences and look to what unites you. Sometimes it is hard to bear the differences between one another. One person may be willing to live life in high definition, whilst others may prefer to live it more vicarioisly, until they have the confidence to step onto the center stage of their own life story. If you have been longing for healing in a relationship, know that this can happen through your willingness to express your true feelings and allow the situation to either fall apart or come together, according to the greater workings of life. This card asks you to remain open to healing connections and allow people to be close to you. Trust in the process that draws people in and out of your life. Resist nothing and seek wisdom in all. I am including the healing process found in the guidebook to help you with what this card is talking about.
Angel Blessings!
COTD 4/7/2015
Hey Guys!
Tonight's card is telling us to stay determined and move forward in that determination towards the goal that we have made for ourselves. However along the way there are going to be things that we are not expecting and outcomes that we are not expecting but it is imperative that we are prepared and ready for anything. The number nine in Tarot warns us against extreme pessimism and encourages us to have a positive outlook, but realizing that things do happen and not to be naïve about those things. Stay positive, be prepared, and everything will be okay :-)
Angel Blessings,
COTD 4/6/2015
This evenings card is 'The Eagle King' from the Wisdom of the Hidden Realm Oracle! This card tells you that help is always available and confirms that you are, in fact on the right track! Eagles can fly above storms and you too can fly over your hard times. So even when there are foggy or stormy times, you have all of the love and support in the universe lifting you up!
Angel Blessings!
Weekly Reading for April 6th-12th
Hre is your weekly reading!! A lot of inner work and Faith is required this week. :)
Angel Blessings,
Housewives Tarot!
Hello lovely people!
This is my reveal of 'The Housewives Tarot' by Paul Kepple and Jude Buffum! This is such a sweet deck. I really do love it and the imagery is really cute. If you are looking for a non threatening tarot deck, or a deck to lighten up your readings, this is it!
Angel Blessings,
COTD 4/3/2016
Hello lovely people!
First, thanks for stopping by! Our card today is 'Adversity' from the 'Magical Times Empowerment Deck'! I am absolutely in love with this oracle deck! The imagery is beautiful and the meanings on the cards are so relatable and, well, Magical! I have rose quartz out while using this deck because of the loving energy I feel from and towards it. This card comes to us saying that adversity and challenges come our way to teach us. Each particular situation has a gift in it, all you have to do it look. Like this card says, storms can sometimes bring us the greatest lessons! So many times we put the focus on 'poor, pitiful, me' instead of on the bigger picture of why this certain challenge came about. I think one of the most useful tools in these types on situations is introspection. We need to evaluate why this situation came about, what we said or did to bring it about, or how others helped it come to you. That in itself can teach us volumes about changes we need to make with us and outside of us.
Angel Blessings!
New Oracle Card Reveal!
I obtained the 'Fallen Angel Oracle' by Nigel Suckling and I am super excited about it! The stigma of this deck is worse than what the deck actually is, so here is my reveal! I am already really intrigued by it.
Angel Blessings!