Andrew Barker Andrew Barker

COTD 4/30/2015


Hello Everyone!!  

Today we have "Two of Fire", from the Mystical Cats Tarot. This is traditionally the 2 of Wands. To me, this card talks about partnerships and the sense of adventure. The cat is looking out into the world beyond and getting ready to embark on a wonderful journey. The 2 candles to me are talking about balance. The cat has accomplished balance in his life and is ready to take on more. These candles also represent leaving thing behind that were hindering your accomplishments. In the actual 2 of wands card in the Rider Waite Deck, which I will include below, there is a man standing looking out into the great beyond holding a world in his hand. Think big right now, you can accomplish anything!!! 


Angel Blessings,  


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Oracle Cards, Tarot Cards, Daily Draw, Tarot Andrew Barker Oracle Cards, Tarot Cards, Daily Draw, Tarot Andrew Barker

COTD 4/27/2015


Hello Everyone! 

Survival. That's the word here. We often times feel the need to just survive. We are human, and acknowledging this facet of ourselves helps us to make changes. Humanity, or our ego, can be a brutal thing. It can trick us into thinking we are we are backed into a corner. When we feel like this, we aren't operating in our higher selves and our vibrations are lowered. This card is telling us that we have survived and that we will survive! -insert Amen here-  Be weary of those who have made Grand promises under false pretenses. You have a strong inituition, use it. That, is what will help pull you through these hard times. I promise that. :)

Angel Blessings,  


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Andrew Barker Andrew Barker

COTD 4/26/2015


Hello Everyone! 

Todays card tells you to MOVE!:) Walk, run, whatever. Just move your body! I do Zumba, and I notice a huge difference in my mood after a workout. Moving is also really healthy and helps your physical body as well. So move your body today, whatever it is, a little or a lot, it doesn't matter. The Angels are wanting you to care more about your physical health, because it really does affect our spiritual health.  

Angel Blessings! 


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Hello All!

Today's card is "Health and Healing" from the Ascended Masters Oracle Cards! The Master on this card is "Hilarion", who was a renowned healer. This card comes to you as a confirmation that healing has taken place in your life. You are, in spiritual truth, completely healed. If you have been working on your physical self, the Angels and Ascended Masters are supporting you in doing that! I also get from this card that laughter is very important in the healing process. Don't take life too serious, after all, no one makes it out alive ;) 

Angel Blessings,  


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COTD 4/24/2015


Hey all!  

Today we have the 9 of Earth from the Mystical Cats Tarot! This card is about enjoying the small luxuries in life. Take time for you today. You have earned it. Take a spiritual vacation, even if it's just for 10 minutes. Take some time alone to refresh yourself :). Our spirits can form a wall around us to protect us on our spiritual vacation. They can guard us and keep all of the beauty inside of is safe :). Use this to your advantage today!

Angel Blessings,  


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COTD 4/23/2015


Hello Lovely People! 

First, I sincerely hope you are having a wonderful day :). Second, we have a VERY encouraging card today! Everyone goes through challenging times, no one is immune. There are situations that kick us down to the ground, it just happens. We have 2 options here: 1- Be Defeated and develop a victim mentality, which makes things worse, or 2- Take a deep breath and decide to move forward. I am not giving you a choice here, number 2. Pick yourself up with the help of God and your Angels, and simply visualize yourself doing amazing. Picture happiness in your mind. Let that picture fill you with faith and optimism, and you will notice a difference!! I promise you!! I will be posting a meditation that I find helpful later this week :) 

Angel Blessings, 


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Andrew Barker Andrew Barker

COTD 4/22/2015



Happy Earth Day Everyone!  

I decided to use the Magical Messages from the Fairies Oracle in honor of the occasion :). Today we have "Business Venture". This card is first and foremost about your business ideas and new career opportunities. If you have been looking for a new career, it is going to come very soon! For some of you, this is self employment for your spiritually based business! You are getting very valuable ideas right now! For those of you who aren't in need of career advice, your manifestation abilities are in high gear! So get to it!  

Angel Blessings


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COTD for 4/21/2015


Todays card is from The Archangel Michael Oracle Cards! I haven't used this deck in a while and I really felt Michael wanting to come forward. The card that we have is "A Favorable Outcome". STOP WORRYING! There is a situation that you are concerned about that has already resolved itself with an outcome that is far to everyone. Sometimes, with our limited view, our best intentions can still not be what is best for everyone. And that's not a bad thing, it just means that Heaven has to give a little redirection. Don't worry so much. Michael is a powerful angel who is more than able to take the burden from you! The prayer on this card is simple, yet so powerful and full of faith! Ask Michael to help you take your mind off of your worries, and then ask Jophiel to help beautify your thoughts! :)

Much Love and Angel Blessings,


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Andrew Barker Andrew Barker

COTD 4/19/2015


Hello Loves! 

I am at The Farmers Market today and while strolling through all of the flowers, I felt the energy of the fairies! So I decided to use the Magical Messages from the Fairies Oracle! And the card we have is PERFECT! Spend time with flowers, flower scents, or essential oils today!! They are going to hold the key to unlock your healing abilities!!! The Flower Therapy Card of the day is Be Positive and it features the Bromeliad! So be positive! I needed this today and being around the flowers has helped a lot!! So use the energy of the Flowers, or even the thought of flowers can help!! I love you guys! 

 Angel Blessings!


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Andrew Barker Andrew Barker

COTD 4/18/2015



Today we have the "Perspective" card from the Archangel Powet Tarot! This card is traditionally the Hanged Man. This card tells us that the way we are going about doing certain things isn't the best, or not for our highest good. You may feel persecuted for doing things they way your heart tells you to, but you will be victorious in the end! Don't let others influence your spiritual path or decisions with their negative energy. We grow through persecution and become even stronger! Take a breather from all the distractions around you and listen to your spirit :)

Angel Blessings! 


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Andrew Barker Andrew Barker

COTD 4/16/2015



Today I drew cards from all 7 decks on my altar! I will list them at the end of this. We have a very cohesive message today. The first card says that you may be feeling like you don't have what it takes spiritually. Maybe your manifesting ability has become less and less, or you have lost your passion. What was once so familiar is now seemingly foreign. Card 2, however, tells you that you shouldn't feel this way. The Spiritual Gifts that you desire, desire to be yours! You have so much power that is waiting to be claimed, and only you can do it! Moving on, we have the 2 of Michael. This card always comes up where there is a conflict between our higher selves, and our egos - or lower selves. Our higher selves are constantly wanting that communion and spiritual oneness with the Divine, but our ego often gets in the way with lies that we aren't deserving enough, or good enough. Spirituality isn't about being good enough, it's about accepting your mistakes and missteps and extracting lessons from them to help you grow. Now, we have a card from the Fallen Angels, and it's message is "honesty" from the Angel Orobas. This card was the stand out card for me, and it applies quite nicely to today's reading. For those of us who read for Clients, we have a code of ethics. A basis for myself and others I know is this, don't take advantage of your client. People come to us vulnerable at times, and they cling to every word we say. What I am going to say next is not about myself or anyone that I know personally: It is VERY easy at times to tell people what they want to hear to make a quick buck, but if you do, you can be sure that you will be found out and the Universe will not have it. So be ethical and attain your spiritual goals the right way. Next up, we have 'The Supernatural' from the Beautiful Creatures Tarot! This card tells you that it is okay to ask for supernatural help!! That's what all of these Gods, Goddesses, Ascendsd Masters, and Angels are there for!! So don't be shy or feel undeserving! It doesn't matter what you've done or what religion you are, they will all come to your aid! Next we have the 'Queen of Cups' from one of my favorite decks, Tarot Illuminati! This card represents someone who is Psychic but often takes on the emotional state of others. She is strong in her ability, but emotions are powerful things! And especially for those of us who are empathic, shielding is of grave importance! Don't let's others negativity sway you! Stay the positive course! Our last card is 'Creation'. And it is beautiful. Think beautiful, positive, loving thoughts, as they do manifest! Your words are an inexhaustible source of magic (Dumbledore said that haha) and that is so so so true, you can create with just the words that leave your lips!! So tell the universe what you desire, and you will have it if it's for your highest good! 

**Decks in order of Appearence:  

Wild Wisdom of the Faery's Oracle

Sacred Rebels Oracle

Archangel Power Tarot

Fallen Angel Oracle  

Beautiful Creatures Tarot  

Tarot Illuminati  

Magical Times Empowement Cards


Angel Blessings!! 


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