COTD 6/13/2015
Deck used: The Wild Unknown Tarot
Today we have the '9 of Wands' and '4 of Swords'. This deck is the most accurate I have come across other than the Mystical Cats Tarot. I love this deck because it makes me want to always draw 'one more card'. It is so direct and upfront, much like the Tarot Illuminati. Anyway, about the cards. 9 of Wands is about skill and protecting that which you have, sometimes to a fault. Perseverance and Stamina are rampant in this card, which seems at odds with the 4 of Swords, which is about rest and taking a breather, while not forgetting your responsibilities. So what are you using your stamina to protect. Are you tired from trying to hold your own for too long? Don't push yourself too hard. Take time to recover and rejuvenate. Running yourself ragged isn't going to help anything and will only cause you lose that which you have persevered so hard to protect. Rest. Relax. It's ok to do that.
Angel Blessings,
COTD 6/12/2015
Deck used: The Ellis DecK
Today we have the 4 of Rods (Wands). A happy conclusion. Tieing up loose ends, and being content with where you are. Mercury Retrograde (MR) has ended. And I hope you really learned a lot and that what you learned has helped you in your life. Now is a time to rest. Contentment is yours, even if you don't feel like it is. All you have to do is let it embrace you. Be happy. You have done a wonderful job!! Rest, relax, start fresh today and build that foundation on loving where you are and being present in the here and now.
Angel Blessings,
COTD 6/11/2015
Deck used: The Wild Unknown Tarot
This is an interesting pairing. 5 is a number of changes, the more fives you have, the bigger the changes are that are coming. 5 of Pentacles is a card of worry and fear about the material aspects of our lives, such as health, money, work, etc. 5 of wands speaks of quarreling, fighting, and conflict. Like I say, there are no bad cards in tarot, just cards that try and give you a heads up on how to change your thought process and actions to achieve the best outcome. So what are these cards telling us? Well, we are coming out of a double whammy Mercury Retrograde, so you may be feeling that heavy energy, don't let that drag you down. Remember that we can change our world with a single thought. Stay away from lower energy and useless quarrels with people, this being said, don't worry about material things. They are going to work themselves out and be okay. I promise.
Angel Blessings,
COTD 6/10/2015
Ten of Sea!
Greeting Kittens!
This card is saying that very happy and prosperous times are coming. Utilize those people close to you. Help them and in turn you are going to be helping yourself. This card is also saying to maybe expand your circle or group of friends. Get out there! You have your Angels, yes, but they are gently nudging you to get back out there! Make friend, look for that special someone! You just might find them!
Angel Blessings,
COTD 6/9/2015
Hey Ya'll!
Today we have my favorite Minor Arcana Card, The Nine of Cups! Ever since my Tarot journey began, I've felt a special connection to this card and it's pure, positive, energy. Surprise, this card is from the Ellis DecK again haha. I'm still not over this deck and don't think I ever will be! The Nine of Cups is the 'Dreams coming true' card. The Universe is giving you a huge "HELL YEAH"! You are eternally supported, cared, and provided for. All you have to do is voice your desires and then you will receive them! It's that simple, just believe you can have what you desire and that you deserve it!! Because you do!
Angel Blessings,
COTD 6/8/2015
First, let's discuss the fact that this makes 3 card of the day posts in a row, so I'm patting myself on the back for that. Second, our card from the Ellis DecK again. I had a profound revelation with this card this morning as I drew it before I got out of bed. What do you see with this card? I see a girl entangled in spider webs. The 8 of Swords often comes up when someone is feeling confined or trapped. However, when we see this card, what stands out to me is the spider webs. We as humans can't get caught in Spiders web. We just walk right through it, though sometimes we still feel like it's all over us, which is fun. This card beckons you to ask yourself what you feel trapped by. Is it thoughts? Words? Actions? Well rest assured these 'traps' are illusions. You aren't trapped at all. If the girl on the card opened her eyes, she would be able to leave this situation in seconds. Ask for your spiritual eyes to be opened to any illusions that have you trapped and repeating patterns in your life so that you can be free!
Angel Blessings!
COTD 6/7/2015
Hi All!
So it's safe to say that I am in love with this deck. I can't wait to get my hands on it, The Ellis DecK. I drew the High Priestess today and we are guided to look inward. Now is the time to contemplation on those things which aren't tangible. This card shows the power of transformation when we look at ourselves with honest, objective, non judgemental, eyes. It's now or never to ask for help in fixing those things about yourself you want fixed. Need a higher vibration? Ask for it. They are literally hovering over you with a chest of spiritual treasures. Just ask!
Angel Blessings
COTD 6/6/2015
Today we have the 'Ace of Pentacles' from the Ellis Deck. I literally just discovered this deck this morning, and I am very excited. This card talks about new financial gains, and unexpected ones at that. Keep in mind though, these gains may come in the form of time or support from other people. Be on the lookout for new ideas involving your finances.
Angel Blessings,
COTD 6/5/2015
For today, I drew a card from a deck I haven't played with in a while, The Angel Tarot! We have a wonderful card, The Chariot! You hold the reigns of where your life goes and the direction that it takes. You can steer down a positive road, or a negative road. Being positive takes a lot of will power and Self Discipline, and you have it!! Don't give up on your dreams, you will achieve them!!
Angel Blessings,
COTD 6/4/2015
I can't add anything else to this. It's just so perfect :)
Angel Blessings
COTD 6/2/2015
Hello All!
Sorry for my slight absence lately. My day job has been crazy busy! So please forgive me :) I decided to use the Magical Mermaids and Dolphins Oracle Cards. This deck is so great because it really gets to the heart of our subconscious desires and needs. In this crazy, busy, fast paced world, it can be hard to look out for ourselves. Now, it's time. Take a break. Turn your phone off. Close your computer. Turn the tablet off. Disconnect. After you do these, take a long shower or bath. Use a sea salt scrub and some lavender to help you relax. You are going to be okay. I promise :)
Angel Blessings,